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Today's Highlight in History:
On February second, 1536, the Argentine city of Buenos Aires布宜斯诺艾利斯 was founded by Pedro de Mendoza of Spain.

On this date:
In 1653, New Amsterdam -- now New York City -- was incorporated.

In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican War, was signed.

In 1876, the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs was formed in New York.

In 1882, Irish poet and novelist James Joyce was born near Dublin.

In 1897, fire destroyed the Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg. (A new statehouse was dedicated on the same site nine years later.)

In 1943, the remainder余数,残余 of Nazi forces from the Battle of Stalingrad斯大林格勒 surrendered in a major victory for the Soviets in World War Two.

In 1945, President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill departed Malta for the summit in Yalta with Soviet leader Josef Stalin.

In 1971, Idi Amin assumed power in Uganda, following a coup政变,妙计 that ousted President Milton Obote.

In 1980, reports surfaced that the FBI had conducted a sting operation targeting members of Congress using phony假的,欺骗的 Arab businessmen in what became known as "Abscam公职人员收受贿赂的丑闻," a codename研发代码 protested by Arab-Americans.

In 1996, dancer, actor and choreographer舞蹈指导 Gene Kelly died at his Beverly Hills, California, home; he was 83.

Ten years ago: In a dramatic concession特许,让步 to South Africa's black majority, President F.W. de Klerk lifted a ban on the African National Congress and promised to free Nelson Mandela.

Five years ago: President Clinton nominated Henry Foster Junior to succeed fired Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders; however, Foster's nomination was later defeated in the Senate. The leaders of Egypt, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians held an unprecedented空前的 summit in Cairo to try to revive the Mideast peace process.

One year ago: A federal jury in Portland, Oregon, ordered abortion foes who had created "wanted" posters and a Web site listing the names and addresses of "baby butchers" to pay $107 million in damages; the defendants promised to appeal.
