SAGITTARIUS & ARIES: This is not a bad match while it lasts. Fun-loving, adventuresome, certainly compatible. Both you and the Ram like to do your own thing; therefore, you often part on friendly terms as you go off in your own directions. 射手-白羊:你们的搭配不错而且能持久。共同的爱好和冒险精神让你们十分合拍。过于专注自己的事情可能导致分手,不过再见亦是好朋友。 SAGITTARIUS & TAURUS: The Bull leads too structured a life for you to conform to. This is not a likely match. Taureans see you as a wanderer with no apparent direction. 射手-金牛:牛儿希望你能遵从他/她结构化的方式来生活,显然,这对热爱自由的你来说很难适应。金牛座人也常将你归于没有目标的那类人里。 SAGITTARIUS & GEMINI: You are polar opposites giving this connection plenty of chemistry; however, outside activities tend to take you both in different directions. You both like to take chances and depend too much on luck. 射手-双子:性格上的巨大差异正好能产生神奇的化学效应。然而,过多社交活动也会让彼此产生分歧。你们都喜欢冒险和碰运气。 SAGITTARIUS & CANCER: You are a traveler and the Crab is a homebody; that automatically puts you on a different wave length. This combination makes a much better friendship. 射手-巨蟹:你是个旅行家,而蟹子是个居家的动物,很明显你们不是一条道上的人。这对情侣转变成朋友的话可能更好。 SAGITTARIUS & LEO: This is probably one of your best match ups. You bring out the best in one another. You both have a very carefree approach to life and love. 射手-狮子:这是最理想的组合。你们都能找到对方身上的闪光点,一定能过上幸福甜蜜的生活。 SAGITTARIUS & VIRGO: Virgo's do not handle your lifestyle well. You cannot put up with the Virgoan's meticulous, detailed way of doing everything. 射手-处女:处女座的人难以接受你的生活方式,你也不能忍受他/她的处处谨慎小心。 SAGITTARIUS & LIBRA: This is probably one of your best connections. You get the freedom you desire and both of you absolutely hate confrontation; therefore, problems are just put on the shelf. 射手-天秤:天秤座也是很适合你的人选哦。你能从他/她那儿得到想要的自由。不过你们都讨厌当面质问,所以问题经常被束之高阁。 SAGITTARIUS & SCORPIO: The Scorpion cannot live with your freedom-loving, wandering spirit. When the jealousy sets in, you'll be off to greener pastures. 射手-天蝎:蝎子是没法忍受你主张自由、不束小节的个性的。只要蝎子的嫉妒病一犯,你也会敬而远之的。 SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS: You will shake well with one another. This combination is somewhat unpredictable. It's not always a lasting union due to a lack of being in the same place at the same time, but truly a hot affair. 射手-射手:同属射手座的双方能相处地不错,不过这个组合也有些不可预测。由于缺乏新鲜感,这样的搭配也许不会持续太久。 SAGITTARIUS & CAPRICORN: You are impulsive, risk-taking and always looking for adventure that frightens the cautious Goat. This is really not a suitable union. You are far too different to ever exist together. 射手-摩羯:你做事冲动,喜欢冒险的个性让山羊座人很是害怕。你们的性格相差太大,真的是不太合适的组合。 SAGITTARIUS & AQUARIUS: You both love adventure, travel and the great outdoors. You can have a lasting relationship, especially if it is a long distance romance. 射手-水瓶:喜欢刺激,热爱旅游和户外运动的你俩是再合适不过的一对了。如果能一直保持浪漫,你们将能白头到老。 SAGITTARIUS & PISCES: This is a passionate attraction, but unfortunately neither one of you can supply the other with the emotional factor required to make this coalition work. 射手-双鱼:这是富有激情的一对组合。糟糕的是,你俩都不能给对方心灵上的慰藉。