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Tea in Sahara 在撒哈拉喝茶

2023-12-06 10:43:44 4
  Tea in Sahara The PoliceMy sisters and I Have this wish before we dieAnd it may sound strangeAs if our minds are derangedPlease don't ask us whyBeneath the sheltering skyWe have this strange obsessionYou have the means in your possessionWe want our tea in the Sahara with youWe want our tea in the Sahara with youThe young man agreedHe would satisfy their needSo they danced for his pleasureWith a joy you could not measureThey would wait for him hereThe same place every yearBeneath the sheltering skyAcross the desert he would flyTea in the Sahara with youTea in the Sahara with youThe sky turned to blackWould he ever come back?They would climb a high duneThey would pray to the moonBut he'd never returnSo the sisters would burnAs their eyes searched the landWith their cups full of sandTea in the Sahara with youTea in the Sahara with youTea in the Sahara with youTea in the Sahara with you 在撒哈拉喝茶 警察合唱团姊妹们和我在死之前有个愿望那听起来或许很奇怪好象我们有点精神错乱请不要问我们为什么在遮蔽的天空下我们有这个奇怪的坚持而你会认为我们着了魔我们想要和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝个茶我们想要和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝个茶这年轻人同意了他会满足她们所需所以她们高兴地跳舞着你无法意会的喜悦她们会在这里等他每一年在相同的地方在遮蔽的天空下他会横越过沙漠和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝茶和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝茶天色变黑了他会回来吗?她们爬上了沙丘对着月亮祈祷然而他却从未再回来所以姊妹们燃起了火当她们的双眼搜寻着大地用她们盛满沙的杯子和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝茶和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝茶和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝茶和你在撒哈拉沙漠喝茶  
