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成语“付诸东流”的意思大家都知道啦,它比喻希望落空,成果丧失,前功尽弃,好象随着流水冲走了一样。这么形象的表达方式可不只我们中国人能想到的,英语中也有类似的说法,不过他们不用“流水”冲走,而是用“顺着排水沟流走”(down the drain)。

“Down the drain”就是“付诸东流”的异国兄弟,它表示资源尚未妥善利用就都浪费掉了,常与动词go一起出现。来看下面的例句:

All our efforts went down the drain when the power went out. Now we have to do the whole experiment again. 电一停,我们的努力全都付诸流水。现在我们的实验得整个重新来过。

Rebecca could not believe that their four-year friendship had gone down the drain.瑞贝卡不敢相信,他们四年的友谊就这样成了过眼云烟。

His fortune went down the drain when he began drinking heavily and gambling in casinos.自从他开始酗酒又在赌场赌博,他的财产渐渐挥霍殆尽。

When Beckham missed the penalty kick, his team's advantage went down the drain.贝克汉姆踢飞了点球,球队的优势随即化为乌有。

Why throw money down the drain at the local car wash when you can do it yourself at home?明明自己在家可以洗车,为什么要浪费钱开到洗车店去洗呢?
