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Slain: 杀害


6月2日,黎巴嫩著名记者卡西尔在首都贝鲁特遭汽车炸弹袭击身亡。事件发生后,黎总理米卡提亲自前往现场视察,并承诺要对这起血案进行彻底调查。外电报道如下:A journalist and leading critic of Syria's hold over Lebanon died in a car bombing Thursday, and the opposition immediately blamed Syria for an assassination that came during a series of parliamentary elections that could end Damascus' control of the legislature.

Syria denied any involvement in the attack on Samir Kassir, slain by a bomb placed under the driver's seat of his car.

Anti-Syrian opposition leaders called for a general strike Friday to protest the killing, carried out even as an international team was investigating the February murder of former Premier Rafik Hariri, whose death led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops after nearly three decades in Lebanon.

Slain是slay的过去式,表示“杀害,凶狠地杀死”,此外在俚语中还有“(被笑或爱)淹没,使迷恋,使赞同”等含义,例如:The soldiers slain in the battle were buried that night.(在那天夜晚埋葬了在战斗中牺牲的战士。)Those old jokes still slay me.(那些古老的笑话仍让我感动。)

