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Spree: 放纵行为


伊拉克过渡政府发言人库巴5日说,伊前总统萨达姆将受到12项指控,这些指控足够法庭对他进行量刑判决。此外库巴还承认,伊安全部队在巴格达及其郊区打击非法武装时,可能将无辜的逊尼派穆斯林当成了目标,至少有200人被误抓,包括逊尼派最大政党"伊拉克伊斯兰党"的领袖哈米德。外电报道如下:The Shiite-led Iraqi government acknowledged Sunday that its forces may have targeted innocent Sunni Muslims in a drive to crush the insurgency in southwestern Baghdad and its suburbs. Saddam Hussein will go on trial within two months on a dozen charges of crimes against humanity, a spokesman for the prime minister said.

Authorities in the northern city of Mosul announced the arrest of yet another key terrorist leader of the al-Qaida in Iraq terrorist organization and its Ansar al-Sunnah affiliate, the second in seven days, on charges of organizing and financing killing sprees. The terrorist organization is led by Jordanian-born Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who carries a $25 million bounty.

"There is an improvement in security and in the performance of the security forces, but members of the army and police do cause mistakes, which do happen," said Laith Kuba, a spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.

Spree在此表示“放纵的行为”,此外还有“狂欢,纵饮”等含义,例如:a buying spree(疯狂购物);be on the spree(沉湎于欢闹中);go on the spree(痛饮)。

