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Renounce: 放弃,拒绝


6月11日,驻伊美军在最新一轮与武装分子的残酷较量中,在伊拉克西部剿灭了40名武装分子,而武装分子也在巴格达及附近地区发动一连串血腥袭击,造成19人死亡,24人受伤。但6月12日,伊拉克政府表示一些反美武装分子有意提出“和解”,希望与那些承诺不使用武力的组织进行沟通。外电报道如下:The Iraqi government said on Sunday that some rebels had approached it looking for peace terms and repeated its willingness to negotiate with groups which renounced violence and which had not killed Iraqis.

Government spokesman Laith Kubba, speaking at a regular news conference, gave no details of who had made contact.

While many nationalist guerrillas concentrate their attacks on U.S. occupying forces, high-profile groups like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al Qaeda in Iraq would appear to be excluded from any dealings with the government because they have mounted bloody assaults on Iraqi civilians and security forces.

Renounce表示“(正式宣布)放弃,否认,断绝关系”,例如:He renounced his claim to the property.(他放弃了财产所有权。)He renounced his religion and became a Muslim.(他宣布背弃原来的宗教而成了穆斯林教徒。)
