exit poll: 投票后民调
9月19日,德国联邦选举委员会公布德国大选初步统计结果,以基民盟为首的联盟党以微弱优势取代施罗德领导的社民党成为下届德国议会第一大政党,但是两党都未能获得足够选票占据议会多数席位以组建新内阁。请看报道: German Chancellor's party won the same number of parliament seats with his challenger Angela Merkel's alliance in Sunday's election, latest poll showed. The poll showed that the CDU/CSU(Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union) has gained 35.2 percent votes while the SPD(Social Democratic Party) has won 34.1 percent. Both German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Angela Merkel claimed victory in the election though exit polls show neither Merkel's alliance nor Schroeder's coalition won a majority to form a new government. 文中exit poll意为"投票后民调",是对刚刚投过票走出投票站的选民进行的问卷调查。调查的内容包括性别、年龄、种族、为何选择某个候选人等,选民可以自由决定是否接受调查。 |