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bench: 法官


在影片《断背山》问鼎反诽谤同性恋者联盟“杰出电影奖”时,李安曾表示:对于同性恋问题,大家的接受是潜移默化的。这话说的没错,日前,美国联邦法院废止了俄克拉荷马州实施两年的“禁止同性家庭收养子女法”,这是美国同志民权组织Lambda Legal争取联邦法官同情的又一胜利。

请看外电相关报道:Gay and lesbian parents in Oklahoma can now breathe a collective sigh of relief because their relationships with their children are no longer threatened by the state of Oklahoma.

A US federal judge struck down a 2-year-old law that prohibits Oklahoma from recognizing adoptions by same-sex couples from other states and countries. It was another triumph for the Gay-rights organization Lambda Legal to have gained a nod from the bench.

报道中的bench不再是我们日常所见的“无靠背长凳”,它在这里代指“法官”。Bench原用来形容the seat for judges in a courtroom(法官席),就像bar(法庭上把律师或被告席位隔开来的围栏)可以引申为“律师”一样,bench(法官席)后来逐渐借指“法官;法官官衔”。

例如:the full bench of the Supreme Court(最高法院的全体法官)

The mother was so excited after hearing the news that his son had been appointed to the bench.(听到儿子当上了法官,母亲激动不已。)


A weak bench hurt their chances for the championship.(他们因后备运动员力量不足而失去了夺冠的机会。)

The player was benched for failing to follow the rules.(这名选手因不遵守规则而被责令罚下场。)
