小贝的影响力到底有多大?—— 你想它有多大,它就有多大!久坐板凳的贝克汉姆日前造访多伦多棒球场,不想抢尽洋基、蓝鸟两大棒球明星的风头。 请看外电相关报道: A relaxed David Beckham managed to upstage even the New York Yankees and their glittering lineup including Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens on Monday. The Los Angeles Galaxy used part of their spare time to take in a Blue Jays-Yankees matinee where the former England soccer captain, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, set the Roger Centre abuzz when he appeared out of the Toronto dugout to take in some of the Yankees batting practice. 报道中的upstage在此做动词,表示“抢…镜头,抢…风头”,如:He avoided newsmen’s microphones and went out of his way not to upstage his superior.(他避开新闻记者们的麦克风,尽量不抢上司的镜头。) Upstage原意指“移向舞台后部”,后喻指舞台上演员“抢戏”,日常生活中则引申为公共场合“抢镜头,抢风头”。 |