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看Gossip Girl学英语(5)


1. You still positive that you don't want me to tag along? 你现在还是不要我一起去么?

Positive在这里=sure,这个句子的意思就是“You want me to tag along, right?”这里的positive就相当于yeah。用positive代替yes,yeah,是很普遍的。口语中还可以用pository。

Tag along有点“没人叫你就自己主动跟着去”的意思,被跟着的人可能会觉得不耐烦。比如:Why my mom always tags along with me 我妈干嘛老是跟着我啊/我妈真是阴魂不散,烦死了。

小时候我老是跟着外公去喝喜酒,那时候很喜欢热闹。年纪慢慢大了,外公就觉得再让我tag along就不好了,所以有一次我自动到楼下等他下楼带我去喝喜酒,那个老人家从窗户爬了出去……后来我就再也没tag along了。

例句这句话是Dan的爸爸说的,后来他又说了句:I can bring a date. 意思是“我可以带个女士。”

2. The cool exterior. The fire below. 外表冷淡,内心热情似火。


3. Not’s that it’s any of your business, but Marcus and I have an amazing sex life. 虽然这与你没任何关系,不过我要告诉你,我和Marcus性生活很和谐。

Not’s that 相当于although,比如:Not’s that I want to kill her. It’s just, I don't want her to be alive anymore… 这句话也体现出Blair嘴巴厉害,刻薄,而且争强好胜死要面子的性格特点。

4. Stay calm. I’m sure the power will be back on in a second. 别慌。马上会来电的。

“停电”可以用power cut/outage 或者blackout表示。

5. I didn’t sign up for some creepy love triangle. 我当初可不是为了恶心三角恋而和你在一起。

Sigh up for something 的意思是“要做或参与什么事情”。这句话差不多等于:我当时可不知道你还会勾搭其他女人。

6. Honestly. Catherine, so what? 哎呀,Catherine,你又想怎样呢?


而后面Marcus撞见Blair 和Chuck在卧房里亲热后夺门而出对追赶出来的Blair说了句:Did you really not know it was him? Can you honestly tell me that?”里的honestly 则是“说实话,老老实实跟我说”的意思。

7. It’s not like I can fire you twice. 我又不能炒你两次鱿鱼。


1)…and he cans me.


Can someone=give sack to / sack someone / dismiss someone / give pink slip.

Pink slip 是个俚语,指a piece of paper giving notice of dismissal from employment; any dismissal from employment. 比如:I got a pink slip today. I guess I had it coming.

Pink slip 也可以用作动词:If you make no headway at work, I’m going to have to pink slip you.

2)be dismissed = to be fired被解雇、被炒

如果你因为能力不足或者做错事,你被dismissed,fired,sacked,terminated,如果你没做错事,能力也足以应付工作,而因为行业不景气,企业由于自动化而所需人员减少、老板看你不顺眼等原因而丢了工作,你是被laid off,made redundant,offered early retirement,公司的减员则用downsize。

8. I don't really feel like talking. 我现在不是很想说话。

Feel like=want to,如果在舞会上问女士想不想跳支舞可以用“care to dance?”,如果问人家是否要喝杯东西可以用“fancy a drink?”,不过记住,能把want用好也就行了。

9. I cannot believe that Nate Archibald is a gigolo. 真不能相信 / 真没想到Nate Archibald是个吃软饭的。

10. I don't really have a choice. 我没得选。

之前Nate还说过“I don't have an option.”也是这个意思。另外一个表示“可能性中的选择”的单词是alternative。例句:Expressions that are identified as slang are often some type of entertaining wordplay, and they are almost always an alternative way of saying something.
