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春节将至,伴随着探亲返程、学生回校、农民工返乡,一年一度的客流高峰也将随之而来。2008年春运全国旅客运量将超过23亿人次,创历史新高。那么,这个“旅客量创纪录”怎么表达呢?请看《中国日报》的报道:The public transport system is about to be put to the test, with 2.3 billion trips expected to be made during the Spring Festival season.The number of trips is expected to set a new record, partly as a result of changes to the country's official holiday schedule.今年,铁道交通运输系统将承受更严峻的考验,由于今年春运是国家调整法定节假日后的第一个春运,预计发送旅客量将创纪录地达到23亿。这里,旅客量创纪录表达为“record number of travelers或者the number of trips set a new record”。相关词汇:长途运输 bus trips水路运输 boat trips铁路及民航运输 railways and civil aviation trips临客列车 additional passenger trains节前旅客人数 The number of pre-festival travelers客流 passenger flow 
