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突然一阵“太阳雨”monkey’s wedding


夏天到了,大雨、小雨、阵雨、暴雨们也都要争相登场了。只要不造成洪涝灾害,其实多下点雨还是挺好的,干燥的空气和土壤太需要雨水滋润了。不过说起来下雨,最喜欢的还是太阳雨,骄阳似火的时候,突然一阵清凉的雨滴打在身上,远处还有一道彩虹挂在天边,那得是多么美好的景象啊。可你知道吗,南非人民把美丽的太阳雨叫做monkey’s wedding(猴子的婚礼)呢,这是哪儿跟哪儿啊。

Monkey’s wedding is a well-known South African expression, referring to an occasion on which sunshine and a light shower occur simultaneously.

Monkey’s wedding(字面意思为“猴子的婚礼”)是南非地区的一个常用表达,指太阳和降雨同时出现的情况(即“太阳雨”)。

Similar sayings or proverbs exist in a surprising number of languages, and a great many of them have animal associations, often to do with marriage. In Arabic, it seems the term is “the rats are getting married”, while Bulgarians prefer to speak of bears doing so; in Hindi it becomes “the jackal’s wedding”; Koreans refer to tigers likewise. However, in Polish, the saying is that “when the sun is shining and the rain is raining, the witch is making butter”.


 For example:

The sun was shining beautifully in through the lounge windows, when suddenly I heard rain beating down on the roof at the back of the house. I rushed to grab my camera and managed to get a few shots of this monkey's wedding before it was all over.

