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Party foul 派对出丑


Party foul refers to something that goes wrong at a party, this something can be stupid, embarrassing, or simply unacceptable. Examples of this include spilling drink on someone, breaking a lamp, throwing up, choking on a shot, etc.

Party foul指开派对的时候不小心发生的“小插曲”,这样的事件可能是愚蠢的、让人尴尬甚至无法接受的。比如:把饮料洒在别人身上、打破现场的灯泡、在派对现场呕吐,以及喝酒的时候被呛到,等等。由此,中文可译为“派对出丑”。

When a party foul was committed, sometimes people may stare or it gets very quiet; or other times some one might yell, "Party foul!" And everyone will laugh.

有上述出丑事件发生的时候,有时候人们会突然安静下来,盯着你看;有的时候会有人喊一声“party foul”,然后大家就哄堂大笑。
