uni-moon 分头度蜜月
Uni-moon is a vacation taken separately by each person in a newly married couple in lieu of a honeymoon. Uni-moon指的是新婚的夫妇两人分别安排自己的婚后蜜月假期时间,用来代替传统的honeymoon(蜜月假期)。 Busy lives lead couples to take separate honeymoons. Some people are actually taking honeymoons without their spouses called "unimoons." Demanding jobs and conflicting schedules lead to the separate post-wedding trips. 忙碌的生活导致很多新婚夫妇分头度蜜月。有些人不与配偶一起度过蜜月假期,这称为unimoons。两人分开进行蜜月旅行通常是因为工作太忙,或者日程安排有冲突。 例句: Even as Melissa and I married, in a small ceremony with family and close friends, our overworking led us to join the disquieting “uni-moon” trend. 尽管梅丽莎和我结婚了,亲友也参加了我们的小范围结婚典礼,但忙碌的工作让我们加入了令人不安的“分头度蜜月”风潮。 |