doomerangers 离婚返巢族
As much as we love our parents, it's probably fair to say most of us would prefer not to move back in once we've left home. 尽管我们都很爱自己的父母,但公平地讲,大多数人在离开家后都不会再搬回去和父母同住。 But more than seven million Britons - dubbed the 'doomerangers' - have been forced to do exactly that after a break-up because they can't afford to live on their own, a survey found. 但调查显示,有超过700万英国人在与伴侣分手后却被迫这样做,因为他们无法负担自己居住的费用。他们被称为“离婚返巢族”。 And unlike the 'boomerang generation', who return to the family home not long after flying the nest, the 'doomerangers' are fully grown adults, often with spouses and children. 而与“青年回巢族”不同的是,“离婚返巢族”完全已经长大成人,经常有配偶和孩子。“青年回巢族”指的是离开家不久就又搬回家居住的年轻人。 |