爱思英语编者按:Quora上有人提问“总觉得第一次更美好的有哪些事?”,来看看点赞最多的回答! What is always better the first time? 获得2.3k好评的回答:@Priya Chincholikar The first time I got my glasses. The world in HD is always an awesome experience. 获得3.3k好评的回答:@Niddhi Shah (Except paycheck, rain and love.)The first time when you decide not to give a fuck to anyone and follow your heart. When you gain that sense of maturity and freedom to live your life on your own!! 获得5.7k好评的回答:@Karan Bansal First Salary First Crush First Class of Semester First Date First Kiss First Flight First Love of your Life First Anniversary First kid First Interview 获得2.6k好评的回答:Marcus Ford 1. Your first love. It's this fuzzy, warm feeling that you've never felt before. Itsweeps you off your feet and you do crazy things. 2. The first day of classes. You don't have to do any hard work, you see old friends, and everyone is determined to do well. |