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Leo is the sign of love. Other signs have a love rulership, but it is a different kind of love. The Taurus love, Venus ruled, has an affectionate, fruitful, womanly quality, material, but warm and enveloping, an atmosphere, rather than a quality. The Libra love, Venus ruled, is the esthetic, discriminating love of mind. But Leo, ruled by the sun controls the love nature, and has the fiery, passionate love of the ideal lover, a man’s love, compelling, but it inspires and promotes fruitfulness in others. 

Leo is the sing of pleasures, sports and entertainments, gala occasions, fetes, picnics, etc. Every kind of enjoyment is ruled by Leo, and since everything connected with Leo is large, fulsome and generous, Leo people are apt to overindulge. They often eat too much, and sometimes drink too much. The uncontrolled Leo types are warned against the use of drugs. 

The Leo physique is sturdy and robust. It needs to be to stand the drains of the Leo temperament. They overwork. They undertake, somewhat like Aries people, tasks beyond human strength. They frequently dissipate in one way or another. They seldom heed warnings, and drive themselves into nervous breakdowns. This type fills the sanatoriums seeking diets and rest cures. Leo rules the heart, spine and generative organs. It can easily be seen that a sudden end can be the result of unrestrained Leo desires. 

Mars is very powerful in Leo, and this influence brings (as in Aries) rashness and a susceptibility to accidents. Since Leo people love life more than some of the other Zodiacal types, it might be advisable to use temperance in physical habits, and control all rash inclinations.
