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In business, Libra persons make ideal partners. They are the balance wheel of a combination, and they excel in matters of judgment, analysis, and instinctive reasoning. They seem to be somewhat conservative reasoning. They seem to be somewhat conservative. This is not unprogressive, but rather an innate desire to be safe and protect the other fellow against losses that might result from the untried. 

Libra people have a high type of intellect. They can comprehend any subject, up to the most involved philosophical argument. They can analyze, explain, and pass judgment on all sorts of difficulties with complete detachment. 

This makes the highest group of Libran suitable for diplomacy, judgeships and international law.
As Venus rules this sign, her sway gives Libra people the taste and ability to select beautiful things. Houses, furnishings, ornaments and paintings, or decorations and design in all of the branches are suitable professions for Libra. Among the more physical Librans, dancing and modeling clothes are very suitable occupations. 

Every sign has its seamy side, and the delightful Librans degenerate even as all the others. The negative Libran is spineless, lacking direction and purpose. They are often accomplished liars, using the Libra glibness for misrepresentation and willful deceit. This type of Libran can fritter away a lifetime in self-indulgence, pretense and lying. They go about with the air of fallen grandees who are far too rare for this base world. They themselves end up by almost believing the airy fabric of their dreams, and conscious lying and trickery that are part of this personality. (END)
