Aries starts eating before everyone else has been seated. 大家都还没有就座,白羊座就已经开始吃上了。 Taurus accepts only the finest pieces of white meat. 金牛座只吃最好的那几片鸡胸肉。 Gemini grabs both turkey wings for themselves. 双子座独霸了两个鸡翅。 Cancer spends all day slaving over a hot stove and cries when the meal is over too soon. 巨蟹座整天都在灶前忙碌,为着食物太快准备妥当而难过。 Leo sulks that Capricorn is at the head of the table. 狮子座因被摩羯座抢占了餐桌的主位而忿忿不平。 Virgo will only accept a minimum helping of the meal. 处女座只会吃最小的一份。 Libra does their best to make sure everyone gets equal portions. 天秤座仔细比较着每个人食物的分额是否一样。 Scorpio puts extra garlic in the mashed potatoes. 天歇座又往土豆泥里加了些大蒜。 Sagittarius goes camping for the long weekend. 射手座早就安排了要在这个长长的假期去野营。 Capricorn sits at the head of the table. 摩羯座径直坐上了餐桌的主位。 Aquarius makes a meal entirely out of soy products. 水瓶座的感恩节美食全部取材于豆制品。 Pisces wants to be one with the turkey. 双鱼座希望能单独和火鸡过感恩节。 Happy Thanksgiving! (Penny 编译) |