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Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You’re tempted to spend quite generously this summer, and you won’t think twice about dishing out large sums on recreation and for the one you love when crisp green bills fall in your direction. You won’t be in bad shape, Aries, if you curb your impulsive spending habits. Perhaps a household expense you hadn’t foreseen will need to be dealt with. Save a little for that potential domestic upgrade or to help out a family member who might call upon you for assistance. 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You certainly have a talent for attracting money into your life as a material-oriented Bull! If you play the stock market, you are apt to land some big hits this summer. However, you may also face a few losses when Saturn squares Mars toward the end of July, whether due to an unexpected downturn in the marketplace, or through your carefree attitude towards spending. Your generosity is what makes you fantastic company, but can also leave you hanging when the bills come due. 

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Your thoughts may stray toward summer travel or maybe a move to a new dwelling when extra cash flows in for you. The Twin doesn’t like to think about budgeting, but don’t spend it all at once. In case you find yourself itching for a new job or needing a long break from the tedious routine of your current employment, stow away some dough in the event that your boredom catches the eye of a superior. You may get that work break after all, but not necessarily on your terms. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You will likely want to use that extra influx of cash for home redecorating or to take an extended family trip. If you own your own place, you may want to refinance your mortgage payments or even make some needed repairs on a roof. Your sensible nature when it comes to money matters keeps you in good shape for whatever may come your way. The summer looks pleasant for the Crab, no matter what you decide to do. 

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You will also find some extra currency in your wallet this summer. The Lion’s exuberant, fun nature empties the purse quickly, however. You may also feel the pinch of extra expenses, especially regarding children if you have them. With Saturn entering your sign and squaring Mars this July, you are faced with the lesson of how to work with what you have or with less than what you are accustomed to. Remember: A good time doesn’t necessarily depend on how much you can spend. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Your practical nature toward budgeting benefits you, diligent Virgo. And, your strong work ethic doesn’t hurt either. You will see a payoff for your diligent labor, perhaps a promotion or a raise. Be sure to take a vacation. You will have a grand time while transiting Venus in your sign accompanies you. With a challenging Saturn aspect to your house of distant travel, your dollars are better spent on domestic or local travel. Consider a camping trip. 

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Don’t get overconfident and spend beyond your means, Libra, when you get that extra monetary boost this summer. Save a little for potential extra expenses on the place you live with roommates or your significant other. If you are renting a place, a roommate just may move out without any advance warning or your rent may be raised. Take a little break and a low-cost vacation with a dear friend or your honey. 

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
This summer, it is entirely possible for you to inherit a bundle from a long lost aunt or benefactor, or perhaps your dollars will manifest as stock points rising in your portfolio. Whether your treasures come from a relative, a friend or through your own ingenious investment skills, expect to receive from the universe. Don’t blow that gift all at once, Scorpio. Consider a tax-deductible donation to your favorite charity. It’s good karma. 

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
It certainly has been a trying financial chapter for the Archer, with Pluto hovering in your sign for quite some time now. Unplanned expenses, such as pesky health problems, may have been gobbling up your hard-earned dollars. This has consumed some of your income, not to mention your patience. The good news is that an infusion of much needed funds comes your way to help you offset those expenses. But wait just a little before planning travels to foreign lands. 

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Your scrutiny in spending and seeking the best buy has served you well, Capricorn. Your stockpile of greenbacks grows more mountainous. You are one of the most financially prepared persons for a catastrophe. No such epic disasters are expected this summer, however, but perhaps a little aid for a family member or housing expense will be. You might even decide to buy a home. Rest assured that your thrifty habits get you a good deal, but always read the fine print carefully.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) 
Aquarians are noted for brilliance in many artistic endeavors. Too bad that doesn’t extend to accounting. As Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Leo cross your Sun this summer, you’ll need to solidly ground yourself in your monetary behavior. You, of all people, need to read the fine print on every piece of contract, lease, and warranty. Yes, you may get some extra moolah, but it will probably depart from your possession quickly. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Your money situation looks in order, Pisces, with the strong possibility of gaining some additional income. Sudden changes in career or job opportunities are to be expected with a short lapse of dipping into savings. Don’t worry - with Venus in Virgo stimulating Uranus in your own sign, you’ll get that needed reassurance that helps quell the anxiety you’ve been carrying. You’ll be able to handle those unforeseen adjustments in your world with ease. 
