
: 英语巴士网趣味英语星座英语趣味英语内容详情



Aries (March 21 - April 19) 
Love is a big theme for your vacation this summer. Find the love of your life while walking through the cobblestone streets of a Mediterranean island or while hiking a mountain. If you’re already attached, plan something action oriented with your partner. Sitting on a beach all day won’t fulfill you as much as you might think it would. 爱情是白羊座在这个夏天的重要课题。

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
For maximum relaxation this summer, your best bet is to enjoy a spiritual retreat or spa in the middle of the woods. Get a massage and leave your cell phone at home. Use this time to reflect, review, and meditate. Consider a getaway music, art, or yoga camp for adults where you can let your creativity soar without feeling burdened by the responsibilities of daily life. 今夏,金牛座的最大乐趣就是抛开一切,享受一次精神spa。

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You don’t have to go far from home to reap the rewards of a wonderful vacation this summer. For you, a series of short road trips will be much more fulfilling than using all your vacation days in one large block. Book fancy hotel rooms in nearby cities and treat yourself and your friends or family to shows, expensive dinners, museums, and educational tours. You’ll have a ball! 对双子座来说,短途旅行比长途跋涉更能带来奇妙的假期体验。

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This summer won’t be truly fulfilling for you unless you spend a good chunk of it with your extended family. The third week in June through the third week in July is best for large family reunions and parties. Even if you have to travel a long distance, go by car and elongate the trip by visiting lakes, rivers, and seaside towns along the way. 家庭聚会会让巨蟹座感到无比满足。

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Your best bet is to go someplace sunny and hot! Buy new bathing suits and fly to a tropical destination. Let the sun recharge your battery while you lay on your beach towel and enjoy your favorite drink. Bring your loved ones along but keep the group size small. 阳光明媚的热带海滨是狮子座的理想度假胜地。

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You have been penny-pinching all year to save up for something special. Now is the time to break the piggy bank and splurge on yourself. Do something that gets you out of your usual element and invokes your curious nature. Plan a retreat that is far removed from your normal life in order to get in touch with your true soul. 一直勤俭持家的处女座可以挥霍一把了,为什么不打破常规来调动一下你的精灵古怪。

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Your summer vacation is best spent with just one other person. Leave your kids - if you have children - at home and just grab your spouse or person you are dating. If you’re single, take your best friend. Find a package deal or all-inclusive resort based around an activity that you enjoy. You don’t want to have to think too much. Your job is just to relax and vegetate. 放下工作,结伴出行是天秤座今夏最好的选择。

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Your vacation needs to involve action - preferably in or around the water. Plan a trip that involves waterskiing, snorkeling, sailing, scuba diving, jet skiing, parasailing, or all of the above. Bring only the people who are ready to jump into the thick of things with you or who won’t throw a fit when you leave them behind at the dock. 水象星座的天蝎座今夏最适合到近水的地方进行户外活动,冲浪、潜水、帆船等都是不错的选择。

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
This summer is your time to put serious miles on your frequent flyer card by getting as far away from home as possible. When you reach your destination, eat at the small local dives, stay in hostels or cheap hotels, and shop at the farmers’ food markets. Getting a sense of the real culture will be the most rewarding aspect of your time away. 今夏,射手座最适合远行。感受异地真实的文化会是你这个假期最大的收获。

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The most rewarding trip for you this year will be one involving some sort of meaningful goal or quest. Consider a guided biking trip through a jungle or up a mountain. Another rewarding adventure could be an excursion on horseback through a canyon or forest. Do something that will awaken your true spirit within. 骑自行车穿越丛林山脉或骑马穿过森林峡谷,对想要探求内心的精神真我的摩羯座来说是最值得的冒险。

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Plan the vacation that nobody ever does. Your ideal trip is not going to be found in a brochure at a travel agent’s office. It is going to be found in the depths of your own heart. What truly moves you? What are you truly passionate about? Spelunking in old gold mines? Biking down volcanoes? Flying a helicopter to a remote wilderness? Whatever it is, make it your own and do it. 对于充满了各种奇思妙想的水瓶来说,理想的旅行方案不在旅行手册里,而是在他的内心深处。那就策划一个从来没有人做过的假期方案吧。

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pick a vacation setting that won’t require you to nurture everyone around you. This year’s vacation is a time to nurture you - and only you! Plan a trip with one special person or no one at all. Rent a cabin by a lake or take a cruise. If you are up for more of an action-packed adventure, consider a rafting trip down a remote, wild river! 找一个特别的人去旅行吧,或者干脆一个人上路。这个夏天,你不需要照顾身边的每一个人,只需要照顾好自己。
