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Once Capricorns conquer their natural reserve and shyness, they make terrific partners: for although they are cautious and introverted, they can be very faithful when in a relationship. They need a partner who will support them emotionally and give them a much-needed boost in confidence.

Some Capricorns are so frightened of rejection and the possibility of being hurt that beginning a relationship can be difficult and opportunities are often missed. They may be short of self-confidence and are convinced that no one will ever find them attractive enough to embark on a long-term meaningful relationship.

Flirtations do not appea1 to most Capricorns, who prefer a permanent relationship that gives them emotional security. The partner of a Capricorn may find that the only serious rival for his or her affections is the Capricorn's career. Although they can often seem a touch too introverted for the first few meetings, once they relax and feel more comfortable with someone, they are able to reveal more of themselves. One of their most appealing traits is a fantastic sense of humour, even when the joke is at their expense. Once trust is established, their confidence blossoms.

Cautious Lover
The head rules the heart for Capricious and they never marry without being totally sure about their partner. They are steady and careful in love rather than being full of surprises, and usually prove to be faithful and trusting lovers. Their ultimate goal in love is to feel secure. 



(Penny 编译)
