Ⅰ.Translate the following words and expressions:(10%) 1.From English into Chinese: a. consignment contract b. give rise to disputes c. inquiry d. correspondent bank e. commercial invoice 2.From Chinese into English: a.可转让信用证 b.采取法律行动 c.运载船只 d.受票人 e.债权人 Ⅱ.Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right:(5%) ()3.discrepancy a. after presentation of draft ()4.liability b. absence of agreement ()5.clean credit c. suffer ()6.after sight d. a credit that does not require shipping documents for payment ()7.sustain e. what one is responsible for according to law Ⅲ.Make brief explanations of the following terms in English:(20%) 8.customs union 9.counter purchase 10.most-favored-nation treatment 11.insurance 12.CTD Ⅳ.Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list(You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square):(10%) powerful international currencies membership subscription loanableVolume remainder quota revised voting quantity Upon joining the IMF, each nation was assigned a (13) based on its economic importance and the (14) of its international trade. The size of a nation's quota determined its (15) power and its ability to borrow from the Fund. The total (16) to the Fund was set in 1944 at $ 8.8 billion. As the most (17) nation, the United States was assigned by far the largest quota, 31 percent. Every five years, quotas were to be (18) to reflect changes in the relative economic importance and (19) trade of member nations. At the beginning of 1994, the total subscription of the Fund had grown to 144.8 billion SDRs ($ 205.4 billion)through increases in (20) and periodic increases in quotas. Upon joining the IMF, a nation was to pay 25 percent of its quota to the Fund in gold and the (21) in its own currency. In borrowing from the Fund, the nation would get convertible (22) approved by the Fund in exchange for depositing equivalent amounts of its own currency into the Fund, until the Fund held no more than 200 percent of the nation's quota in the nation's currency. Ⅴ.Translate the following into Chinese:(15%) 23.Business as we know it today would be impossible if there was no agreement or contract to bind the contracting parties. Long ago, people devised a means for bargaining for the conduct of others by exchanging promises. The exchange of promises came to be known as “agreements” and gradually became very important in the live of the people and in the field of business. A promise or agreement is reached as a result of the process of offer and acceptance. When an agreement is reached, a contract is formed, which creates legal obligations enforceable by law. Contracts can be long or short, formal or informal, simple or complicated, and verbal or written, of which the most popular is the written contract(or pre-printed contract).The importance of a contract in an international sales transaction cannot be underestimated. Often it is the only document between the parties to which they may refer for clarification of mutual responsibilities, resolution of disputes in the event of disagreement. And such a contract serves as a “living document” that may well survive the relationship it defines. So the exporter should avoid viewing the contract merely as a document that initiates transaction and subsequently is filed and forgotten. Ⅵ.Translate the following into English :(25%) 24.贸易可能产生于规模经济,也可能是由于革新或款式的需要。 25.错误的陈述是欺骗,即使是无意中犯下的,合同也应视为无效。 26.在共同基金下,大中型企业只需将其准备基金的一小部分付给承保人。 27.这些机构的共同目标是通过把发达国家的资金输到发展中国家以帮助这些国家提高生活水平。 28.如果信用证可以由原受益人转让给一个或几个受益人,它就是可转让信用证,反之则为不可转让信用证。 Ⅶ.Answer the following questions in English :(15%) 29.What are the major functions of a bill of lading? How many parties are involved in a bill of lading? 30.How many kinds of markets are included in the domestic equity market in England? |