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自考“英语(一)”笔记 四十九

Text A  Imsurance


1、insurance n. 保险;保险金

fire (car,health,casualty ) insurance 火(汽车,健康,伤亡事故)险

sell life insurance 兜揽人寿保险生意

insurance policy 保险契约,保险单

insurance company 保险公司

insurance agent 保险代理人

1)You will have to show your driving license and car insurance certificate.


2)The holiday cost 50 pounds plus insurance and airport taxes.



1)He insured his house against fire.(他给自己的房屋保了火险。)

2)The insurance company refused to insure him again after all his car accidents.


3)He assured his life with this company. (他向这家公司保了人寿险。)


1)She assured me that she would come earlier. (她向我保证她会早点来。)

2)I can assure you of the quality. (它的质量我可以向你保证。)


We must try to insure peace around the world. (我们必须确保世界和平。)


1)His diligence will ensure his success.(他的勤劳将保证他取得成功。)

2)I'm sorry I cannot ensure you a better job. (很报歉,我不能保证给你一个更好的工作。)

2、coverage n. 覆盖;承保范围;新闻报道范围


1)Dust covered the desk. (书桌上蒙上了灰尘。)

2)The floods covered the town. (洪水淹没了城镇。)

3)They covered 140 miles in two hours. (他们两小时行了140英里。)

4)Some reporters have been sent to cover the conference. (已经派了几名记者去采访会议情况。)

5)One hundred dollars hardly covers two nights at a good hotel. (100美元几乎不够付好点旅馆两夜的房钱。)


1)This radio station has great coverage.(这个无线电的覆盖范围很广。)

2)Can you recommend me an insurance policy with extensive coverage?


3)They had an excellent coverage on African situation. (他们对非洲形势作了出色的报道。)

3、consumer n. 消费者;顾客

producers and consumers 生产者和消费者

consumer rights 消费者权益

a consumer guide 消费者指南

1)These machines were enormous consumers of electricity. (这些机器耗电量很大。)

2)The change in policy will affect all gas consumers. (政策的变化会影响所有的油料消费者。)


1)He consumed much of his time in watching TV.(他花许多时间看电视。)

2)Do you know how much oil the Americans consume daily?(你知道美国人每天的耗油是多少?)

3)He consumed all his energy.(他耗尽了所有的精力。)

4、policy n. 方针,政策;保险单

policies on education 教育方针

personnel policy 人事政策

economic and foreign policy 经济和外交政策

policy maker 决策人

policy holder 投保人

1)The policy of reform and opening to the outside world has brought about great changes to China.


2)This service is free to policy holders. (这项服务对投保人免费。)

5、sum n. 总数,金额 v. 共计;总结

1)The expenses came to an enormous sum.(开支总数巨大。)

2)He paid a large sum of money for the house.(他出了一大笔钱买这所房子。)

3)The boys, in sum, did a good job. (总之,男孩子们干得不错。)

4)At the and of the discussion, he summed up, and added a few points.


5) I cannot sum up his opinion in one sentence. (我无法用一句话来概括他的观点。)

6、adequate adj. 充足的,充分的;胜任的

1)His income is adequate to support his family.(他的收入足以维持他一家的生活。)

2)What should be done to assure adequate supplies of water? (应该怎样来保证足够的水供应?)

3)I think he is adequate to the job.(我认为他胜任这工作。)

4)He gave us an adequate description of the situation. (他对形势作了恰当的描述。)

7、major a. 主要的n. 专业,专业学生 v. 主修,专攻

1)It is not a major problem.(这不是个大问题。)

2)She had a major operation last month.(她上个月初了次大手术。)

3)He is a physics major, but he is interested in journalism. (他是物理专业学生,但他却对新闻越兴趣。)

4)Biology is his major.(生物是他的专业。)

5)My brother majors in traditional Chinese medicine. (我弟弟主修中医。)

6)She majors in early education. (她专攻早期教育。)


1)Don't worry about it, it is only a minor problem.(别担心,这只是个小问题。)

2)History is his major, and English is his minor.(他主修历史,副修英语。)


8、remind v. 提醒,使想起;使发生联想

1)Please remind me, if I forget to give you the key. (如果我忘记给你钥匙,请提醒我。)

2)Remind him to put the book on the shelf when he is done with it. (他看完书后提醒他把书放在书架上。)

3)We had to remind him that he had a meeting at 10:00. (我们不得不提醒他十点钟有个会。)

4)Is it necessary to remind him about the party? (有必要提醒他不要忘记赴宴吗?)

5)The picture reminds me of my childhood in the countryside. (这张照片使我联想起在农村度过的童年。)

9、possibility n. 可能性;可能的事


possible——possibility responsible——responsibility

probable——probability available——availability


1)We must accept the possibility that we might be wrong.(我们必须接受这种可能性,即我们也许错了。)

2)I am not sure if we have the possibility of success.(我不能肯定我们是否有成功的可能。)

3)It is a possibility that he will get the job. (他有可能得到那份工作。)

10、injury n. 损害,伤害

1)Building workers risk injury by not wearing helmets.(建筑工人不戴安全帽便有受伤的危险。)

2)He did not suffer any injuries in the accident. (他在事故中没有任何损伤。)

3)The man got an injury to the head in the fight.(在打斗中那个人头部受伤。)


1)The boat was seriously damaged in the storm. (那条船在风暴中严重受损。)

2)The soldier was badly wounded. (那个士兵受了重伤。)

3)He injured his leg in an accident. (在一次事故中,他的腿受了伤。)

4)I fell off my bicycle and hart my arm. (我从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了胳膊。)

5)I didn't mean to hart your feelings. (我本无意伤害你的感情。)

11、complex adj. 复杂的 n. 综合体;情绪;夸大的情绪反应

1)What he said was too complex for me to understand. (他说的太复杂了,我不理解。)

2)This is a complex problem. (这是个复杂的问题。)

3)There will be an industrial complex in our province. (我们省将有一个大工业中心。)

4)He has a complex about bugs. (他对小虫子有病态恐惧。)
