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自考“英语(一)”笔记 六十四

Text A    Why Are Maps Drawn with North at the Top?


1.feature n. 特征,特色;面貌,相貌 vi. 是…的特色,以…为特色 vi. 重要作用;作为主要角色

1)The most important feature of our work is parental involvement.(我们工作的最重要特色是父母参与。)

2)The island's chief feature is its beauty.(这个岛的主要特色是风景秀丽。)

3)He is very familiar with the geographical features of this district. (他对这一地区的地理特征很熟悉。)

4)The boy was slightly taller than his father, with fine features.(那个男孩比他父亲稍高,长得眉清目秀。)

5)Round-the-clock service features this store.(日夜服务是这家商店的特色。)

6)The new type of car features high speed, small size and low cost.(这种新型汽车以高速、小型和低费用为特色。)

7)Sea food features largely in the diet of these people.(海产在这些人的食物中占重要地位。)

8)He is featuring in a new movie.(他正在一部新片中担任主角。)

2.rough adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的;大致的

roughly adv. 粗糙地;大体上,大约

1)They journeyed for days over rough roads. (他们在崎岖的道路上旅行了数日。)

2)His rough manners annoyed everybody.(他粗鲁无礼的态度恼了每一个人。)

3)They lived a rough life in the mountain village.(他们在山村里过着简陋的生活。)

4)They had a rough crossing of the English Channel.(他们在狂风大浪中越过英吉利海峡。)

5)We should help them out of the rough situation.(我们应该帮助他们走出困境。)

6)The young man closed the door roughly.(那个年轻人粗暴地把门关上了。)

7)Roughly speaking, this year's profit increased by 15 percent.(粗略地说,今年的利润增加了15%.)

3.sketch n. 草图;梗概;素描 v. 绘(…的)略图;简述

1)He drew a rough sketch showing the position of the entrance.(他粗略地画了张草图,说明入口处的位置。)

2)They only gave us a sketch of the whole event.(他们只向我们简略地介绍了整个事件。)

3)The first part is a brief sketch of the school's early history.(第一部分是该校早期历史的概述。)

4)He sketched a boy's head on the sketchpad.(他在速写簿上画出了男孩头像素描。)

5)Mr. Smith sketched excuses to his guest and left the room hurriedly.(史密斯先生向客人草草致歉然后匆忙离开房间。)

4.Localize v. 使局部化;使具地方性;集中

1)It is unlikely to localize this disease.(把这种疾病控制在局部地区是不可能的。)

2)They failed to localize the effect of the disturbance.(他们没能使动乱的影响局部化。)

3)Anger localized on the new policy.(民愤集中在这项新政策上。)


5.footing n. 立足处;稳固的地位,基础

1)It is difficult to get a footing on the steep roof.(要在那很陡的屋顶上找到立脚处很困难。)

2)He lost his footing and fell into the ditch.(他一失足摔进了沟里。)

3)The water was so deep that she couldn't gain her footing.(河水太深,她立不住足。)

4)They are on a friendly footing with their neighbors.(他们同邻居们和睦相处。)

5)In today's China, women and men are on equal footing.(在今天的中国,男女平等。)

6.Forefront n. 最前线,最主要的位置

1)The company was brought to the forefront of public attention.(那家公司成为公众注意的重点。)

2)He brought the country to the forefront of world politics.(他把那个国家推向了世界政治的最前沿。)


7.Attempt v. 企图、试图n. 企图、试图

1)I didn't attempt the last question in the exam.(我没有试图去做试卷的最后一题。)

2)He attempted to keep his parents in the dark about what had happened.(他试图使父母对所发生的事一无所知。)

3)George had succeeded on his fourth attempt.(乔治要游过湖有困难,但他在第四次尝试时终获成功。)

4)He made no attempt to solve the problem.(他没有试图解决问题。)

8.Flatten v. 把……弄平;变平

1)He flattened the paper cups.(他把纸杯压平了。)

2)The hurricane flattened the forest.(飓风夷平了森林。)

3)Her questions completely flattened me.(他的问题把我完全击垮了。)


9.reference n. 提及;参考;证明书(或人),推荐信(或人)

1)There is on further reference to him in her diary.(她在日记中没有进一步提到他。)

2)Keep this dictionary on your desk for easy reference.(把这本词典放在你书桌上,以备随时查阅。)

3)My professor gave me a good reference.(我的教授给我写了一封德才兼优的推荐信。)


10.calculate v. 计算;估计;认为;想要

calculation n. 计算;估计

1)I calculated that we would arrive at 6.(我估计我们六点钟到。)

2)The number of votes will be calculated in the late afternoon.(选票将在傍晚时计数。)

3)You have to calculate the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.(在作出决定前你得估量事情的利弊。)

4)She calculates to go next month.(她想下个月去。)

5)He made an error in his calculation.(他在计算中出了差错。)

6)By his calculation, we will be there in an hour.(据他估计,我们一小时后到那儿。)

11.unaware adj. 未认识到的,不知道的


1)She seemed unaware of what was happening around her.(她似乎没有意识到周围正在发生的一切。)

2)I was unaware that I had hurt him.(我没有意识到我伤害了他。)

3)He was unaware of the serious consequence.(他没有认识到后果的严重性。)

12.orientate=orient v. 使适应;给……定向

orientation n. 定向;方位;熟悉;情况介绍

1)You should produce things orientated to people's needs.(你应该生产适应人们需要的东西。)

2)He oriented himself by finding a familiar landscape.(他找了一处熟悉的景色来确定自己所处的方位。)

3)The discussion helped me orient myself to the new language.(讨论帮助我适应新的语言。)

4)It took him a long time to orient himself.(他花了很长时间熟悉环境。)

5)The winding trail caused them to lose their orientation.(弯弯曲曲的小径使他们迷失方向。)

6)College freshmen receive two days of orientation.(大学新生用两天时间听取学校情况介绍。)

oriented adj. 以……为目的的;重视……的

export-oriented industries(外向型工业)

an education-oriented family(一个重视教育的家庭)

test-oriented teaching and learning(以应试为目的的教学)

13.Immovable adj. 不可移动的;坚定不移的


1)Father was immovable in his opinions.(父亲的意志坚定不移。)

2)He didn't expect that he would face an immovable audience.(他没料到他将面对一群不动情的观众。)

3)What are you going to do with this immovable pillar?(这根移动不了的柱子你打算怎么处理?)

14.arrangement n. 安排;布置;整齐

arrange v. 安排;布置

1)Have you made all the arrangements for the conference?(你为会议做好所有安排了吗?)

2)He wants to make sure that everything is in neat arrangement.(他想确保一切都整整齐齐。)

3)She didn't want to after the arrangement of furniture in the room.(她不想改变房间里家俱的位置。)

4)I will make arrangements for a car to meet you at the airport.(我将安排一辆汽车去机场接你。)

5)The librarian is arranging the books on the shelf.(图书管理员正在整理架子上的图书。)

6)Don't worry, I will arrange the dinner for you.(别急,我为你们安排晚餐。)

7)They have arranged for us to visit the Confucius Temple tomorrow.(他们已安排我们明天游夫子庙。)

8)I have arranged for the goods to be delivered to your door.(我已为你安排好送货上门。)

15.Interfere v. 干涉;妨碍,干扰

1)We have no rights to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.(我们无权干涉他国内政。)

2)Don't interfere in other people’s business.(不要干预他人的事情。)

3)Misty weather interfered with the contact.(雾天妨碍了联络。)

4)He has done nothing that directly interfered with the actions of the others.(他没做任何直接妨碍他人行动的事。)

16.accordance n. 一致;符合

1)Education is carried out in accordance with the government's policy.(教育在依据政府的政策实施。)

2)In accordance with your request I am sending her the letter express.(根据你的要求,我准备给她发特快信。)

3)I am in accordance with him in this matter.(在这件事上,我同他是一致的。)

17.reliance n. 信赖;依靠

rely v. 依赖;相信

1)She placed complete reliance on her husband's judgment.(她完全相信她丈夫的判断。)

2)Self-reliance is necessary if you want to achieve anything.(如果你想有所成就,自力更生是很必要的。)

3)He is a man to be relied on.(他是一个可以信赖的人。)

4)You can always rely on him, he won't fail you.(你可以永远信任他,他不会让你失望的。)

5)We can rely on our children to do such work.(这样的工作我们可以放心地让孩子们去做。)
