old wine in a new bottle 换汤不换药
2023-12-07换汤不换药”,中文俗语,意思是比喻名称和外形、画面虽然改变了,但实际内容还是老一套。可以翻译为old wine in a new bottle”,表示an existing concept or institution offered as though it were a ...
be unprecedented 破天荒
2023-12-07破天荒”,中文词语,意思是以前从来没有出现过的事,或第一次出现的事”,可以翻译为occur for the first time; be unprecedented; never happened before”。旧时文人常用破天荒”来表示突然得志扬名...
a sense of guilt 负罪感
2023-12-07负罪感”,指当人做了一件自己觉得违反了自己良心的事情,事后对自己的行为产生后悔或罪过的情绪。可以翻译为a sense of guilt,guilty conscience”。有负罪感的”可以用guilt-ridden”表示,指filled with f...
as a final option 万不得已
2023-12-07万不得已”,汉语成语,意思是表示无可奈何,不得不如此。可以翻译为have no other choice but,out of absolute necessity”。与英文惯用语as a last resort”意思相近,表示as a final option,...
tremendous effort 九牛二虎之力
2023-12-07九牛二虎之力”,字面意思是九头牛与两只虎的力气的相加(strength of nine bulls and two tigers),比喻其力大不可挡。常用于形容很费力才做成一件事。可以翻译为 tremendous effort;all one's strength”。...
try to deceive everybody 瞒天过海
2023-12-07瞒天过海” ,汉语成语,字面意思是瞒住上天,偷渡大海(cross the sea under camouflage)。比喻用谎言和伪装向别人隐瞒自己的真实意图,在背地里偷偷地行动。可以翻译为to practise deception; try to deceive everybody&r...
sing the same tune 一唱一和
2023-12-07一唱一和”,汉语成语,意思是一个先唱,一个随声应和(sing a duet with somebody)。现在比喻二人互相配合,互相呼应。可以翻译为sing the same tune,echo each other”。例句:那两个国家在中东问题上总是一唱一和。Those t...
admire from the heart 心服口服
2023-12-07心服口服”,汉语成语,意为心里嘴上都信服,指真心信服,十分服气。可以翻译为be sincerely/utterly convinced,admire from the heart”。例句:他输得心服口服。He conceded defeat from the bottom o...
in one's element 得心应手
2024-05-01得心应手”,汉语成语,意思是心里怎样想,手里就能怎样做(what the heart wishes one's hands accomplish)。比喻技艺纯熟,心手相应,可以翻译为with facility,with high proficiency”。与英文俗语i...
penetrating 入木三分
2023-12-07入木三分”,汉语成语,字面意思是enter three-tenths of an inch into the timber”,形容书法笔力刚劲有力(written in a forceful hand),也比喻对文章或事物见解深刻、透彻,可以用penetrating;prof...