
  • 90. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out un-nessary buying,excess consumption and careless disposal o...

  • 不定式短语动词不定式是学习英语的难点之一,也是构成长句的一个重要因素。不定式有自己的宾语、状语和补足语,组成不定式短语。在分析句子时要把不定式短语看作一个整体。不定式在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补足语。不定式短语在句中分析与翻译的实例75.You will remember that t...

  • 66.You should also learn as much about chemistry as possible from your own experience in the laboramry and from your observations of chemical substanc...

  • 56.Weather is a product of many pLysical factors operating in and on the troposphere with the principal ones being the unequal heating of the earth...

  • 46. If an engineer applies aformula or a tabulation or a curve blindly, without knowing its history,its accuracy and the limits of its sapplicability,...

  •   36。In l664 the great English diarist,John Evelyn,published,with the approval of the Royal Society of London,a book Sylva or a Discourse of Forest Tr...

  • 21.Inability to build high-voltage generators and motors gives to the transformer immediate recognition as a highly flexible link between the generati...

  • 1.You can already buy small video telephones,with builtin-screen and cameras,that transmit still images over regular telephone lines to anyone else wi...

  • 忠实”的目标对于翻译本来是不待证明的、天然的要求,是千百年来翻译理论和实践一直围绕旋转的中心。然而近来似乎颇有人对此持怀疑甚至否定态度。《外国语》 1998 年第 3 期所载《从梦想到现实:对翻译学科的东张西望》一文可以作为一个典型的例子。文中引勒菲弗尔语曰:忠实只不过是多种翻译策略里头...

  • 外国文学翻译和外国文学翻译评论有着密切的关系,没有翻译,何来评论?翻译是评论的依据。没有评论,翻译便难于健康地发展,可能会长期存在"泥沙俱下,鱼龙混杂"的不良局面,因此,评论对外国文学翻译起着一种净化和提高的作用。 我国老一辈作家、翻译家,尤其是作家兼翻译家,不仅给我们留下宝贵的...