
  • Zero sum game


    Reader question:In this sentence – Globalization is not a zero sum game but a great opportunity for all – what does "zero sum game&qu...

  • See the light?


    Reader question:In this sentence – I don't know what I have to do to make him see the light – what does "see the light" mean...

  • Oh, what a bummer!


    Reader question:In this paragraph – What a bummer! A study by the British Medical Journal reveals that although the Wii game console offers more...

  • Faint praise


    Reader question:In this headline – Warne has faint praise for Gilly – what does "faint praise" mean?My comments:Praise is good. ...

  • Come to the fore


    Reader question:In this headline – New young poets have come to the fore – what does "come to the fore" mean?My comments:New you...

  • 英语中有许多拼写相近的单词,有的仅一个字母之差,意义却相差较远,可谓"貌"相近,意相远.因其"貌"近,难辨者众,常指鹿为马.其实这些词有很多都是同"根"生的"兄弟姐妹".本文试图把某些常用"貌"近之词...

  • Reader question:What does this sentence – Of course the opinions of newspaper reporters, radio personalities and television faces mean very litt...

  • Pecking order


    Reader question:What does this sentence – It seems their whole pecking order in the pub revolves around how soon I acknowledge them and how long...

  • Reader question:How to say "高姿态" in English? Is "high posture" a good translation?My comments:"High posture" smacks of C...

  • Proof, as suffix


    Reader question:In this sentence – "Mom, you should put some of your things away. Baby proof this house," stated our oldest son Mark a...