2023-12-07On Women’s Traditional Social Status Reflected in English ProverbsAbstract:This paper,from the feminist perspective,penetrates into the sexist d...
On the Differences and Similarities of Marriage between China and America 摘 要古今中外, 人的本性都是一样的, 都有七情六欲, 都表现喜怒哀乐, 都产生爱与恨的心理。但由于地理环境、历史背景、发展过程及其他方面的不同, 各个...
2024-05-10Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights——The Psychoanalysis of love triangle relationship with Freud’...
A comparative study ofHanfeizi” andThe Prince”Abstract: As we know, Hanfeizi is the most representative figure of the legist school. His i...
Humanism Influences Social Development Humanism Influences Social Development ----Difference between Chinese and Western Cultures Chinese culture is ...
The Influence of Chinese Culture on Buddhism
2023-12-07The Influence of Chinese Culture on BuddhismBuddhism was originally developed in India and brought to China over the Silk Road, and later to some exte...
A Perspective on the Study of Chinese Culture and SocietyDavid FaureInstitute for Chinese StudiesUniversity of OxfordIf I have to sum up what I have b...
2023-12-07On Thomas Hardy’s Religious Sense in His Works 托马斯哈代作品中体现的宗教观念 Abstract: Religion has a profound influence on the works of European and America...
2023-12-07The influences of Cultural factor on film translations 文化对影片翻译的影响 Outline Thesis Statement: Difference in eastern western culture causes a thing diffe...
The Influence of American TV Program upon Chinese Ones电视节目体现的是文化。。。可以回答文化来写ContentsAbstract (in Chinese)Abstract (in English)ChapterⅠ. Introduction A....