ban 封杀
2023-12-07封杀”,原指体育运动中的一种攻守行为,后比喻(尤指官方)用封禁或封锁的办法,使事物在某一领域不能存在(an official order that prevents something from happening)。封杀”现在常用在娱乐界和体育界,指禁止在媒体上露面(pro...
have difficulty taking a step forward 举步维艰
2023-12-07举步维艰”,汉语成语,抬脚行走十分困难,比喻行动困难重重,工作很难开展或生活艰难。可以翻译为have difficulty taking a step forward,have difficulty in carrying out a cause/plan或be struggling&r...
be extremely delicate 弱不禁风
2024-03-13弱不禁风”,汉语成语,字面意思是十分娇弱,连风吹都经受不起(be too weak to withstand a gust of wind),形容人或物虚弱,承受力差,不堪一击。可以翻译为be extremely delicate,be frail physically或 be vuln...
wishful thinking 痴心妄想
2023-12-07痴心妄想”,字面意思是一心想着不可能实现的事,指愚蠢荒唐的想法,不切实际的希望。可以翻译为wishful thinking,daydreaming,chase the rainbows或ask/cry for the moon”等。例句:指望在他的领导下发生更深层次的变革简直...
make a lucky hit 歪打正着
2023-12-07歪打正着”,汉语成语,比喻所用方法原本不恰当,但却侥幸取得满意的结果。可以翻译为hit the mark by a fluke或make a lucky hit”等。例句:歪打正着的投篮。Flukey shot他远远地开了一枪,歪打正着击中了那辆汽车的油箱。He fired ...
be determined to go the whole hog 一不做,二不休
2023-12-07一不做,二不休”,汉语俗语,意思是要么不做,做了就索性做到底。指事情既然做了开头,就坚持到底。可以翻译为be determined to go the whole hog,或once it is started, go through with it”等。例句:到这地步,我们...
be well considered in every aspect 面面俱到
2023-12-07面面俱到”,汉语成语,意思是各方面都照顾得很周到,每一个方面都处理的很得当。可以翻译为be well considered in every aspect,try to cover every aspect”等。例句:A:这件事在此之前早该决定了。”"T...
all-round success/victory 满堂红
2023-12-07满堂红”,汉语俗语,意思是各方面都取得好成绩,或到处都很兴旺。可以翻译为all-round success/victory,success in every field”等。例句:中国乒乓球队在这届世乒赛中得了个满堂红。The Chinese national table t...
flee in panic 落荒而逃
2023-12-07落荒而逃”,或落荒而走”,汉语成语,离开战场逃向荒野。形容战败后仓皇逃命,也泛指一般斗争中的惨败。可以翻译为be defeated and flee,flee in panic或run for life frantically”等。例句:敌舰严重受创,落荒而逃。B...
the salt of the earth 诚实善良的人
2023-12-07在英语里,我们可以用 salt of the earth 来形容一个人接人处事诚恳正直,是一位诚实善良的人。例句Annie is the salt of the earth. Despite all her own troubles she is the first to offer help to...