
  • 随波逐流”,汉语成语,意思是随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡(drift with the tide/current)。比喻没有坚定的立场,缺乏自主判断, 只能随着别人走。可以翻译为follow the crowd blindly,drift along”等。例句:在这件事上,你绝...

  • 时来运转”,汉语成语,意思是本来处境不利,时机来了,命运也有转机,情境有了很大变化。可以翻译为one's luck improves,the luck has turned in one's favor”等。例句:他就要时来运转了。His luck is on...

  • 应有尽有”,汉语成语,意思是应该有的都有,形容十分齐备。可以翻译为have everything that one expects to find,have all that is necessary”。例句:商店货品齐全,从香烟到再生厕纸应有尽有。The shop stoc...

  • 人们常说事有轻重缓急”,轻重缓急,汉语成语,意思是各种事情中有主要的和次要的,有急于要办的和可以慢一点办的。轻重缓急”可以翻译为order of importance/urgency/priority,或relative importance”等。例句:你需要把自...

  • 热血沸腾”,汉语成语,原指血液在身体中快速流动,将内脏产生的热量带到全身,比喻激情高涨、激动。可以翻译为with righteous indignation,with heart afire或one's blood boils”等。例句:他热血沸腾,仿佛又是一个二十岁...

  • 坐享其成”,汉语成语,意思是自己不出力而享受别人取得的成果(sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others's work)。可以翻译为enjoy the fruits of others without having toiled”。例...

  • 大惊失色”,汉语成语,形容十分慌张,吓得脸色都变了(be so terrified that one's face turns pale)。可以翻译为turn pale with fright”。例句:她听到那消息大惊失色。She paled with shock a...

  • 凤毛麟角,汉语成语,字面意思是凤凰的羽毛,麒麟的角(as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns),比喻珍贵而稀少的事物或人才。可以翻译为very rare,rare and precious things,extraordinary and excel...

  • 苦思冥想”,汉语成语,比喻绞尽脑汁,深沉地思索。可以翻译为rack one's brains(to evolve an idea),think hard and long或ponder over something all day long”等。例句:他苦思冥想,还是...

  • 似曾相识”,汉语成语,意思是好像曾经见过。形容见过的事物再度出现。可以翻译为have a sense of déjà vu”,表示have a feeling that one has seen or heard something before&...