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    惠特尼•休斯顿有一首歌,歌名是一无所有。I’ll have nothing if I don’t have you. 没有你,我将一无所有,多么深情的一句话。现在,我给大家介绍一些有关have这个词的短语。

第一个词组是这样的:have one’s eye on sb. 很自然地会想到是盯着某人看的意思,没错。In English, it means to be watching sb. carefully, especially to check that they do not do anything wrong.中文就是密切注视,盯住,监视。

那你能猜到第二个意思吗?Well, it also means that to be thinking about asking sb. out, offering sb. a job, etc, because you think they are attractive, good at their job, etc.中文很简单,就是看中,看上。Eg. He’s got his eye on the new girl in your class. 他看中了你们班新来的女孩。注意哦,是单数,eye 。

我已经吃过饭了,I’ve had meal. 这是一个完成时的句子,如果把meal 换成it , 虚指。I’ve had it. 这句话的意思可就多了。听我慢慢说来。

I’ve had it. I’m goanna to sleep. Here, it means that I feel sleepy. 我觉得很困,要睡觉了。

He’s so overacted that I’ve had it with him. 他太过分了,我受够他了。Have had it with sb. 受够某人。

The car had had it, means that the car is n bad condition. 这车已经坏得没法修了。

When I met the headmaster at the gate, I thought I’d had it. She hates us for being late most. 当我在门口遇到班主任时,我知道我完蛋了,她最讨厌我们迟到了。这里是过去时态,用的是I had had it 代表我完蛋了。

Everyone thinks that he has it in him to produce a literary classic. 大家都认为他有能力写出一部文学名著。Have it in sb. to do sth. 就是指有能力做某事。再举一例:You were great; I didn’t know you had it in you. 你真棒,我不知道你还有这本事。

你是开我的玩笑吧?英文是:Really, are you kidding me? 还可以说:You are not having me on, are you? Have sb. on 就是开某人的玩笑。

There’s room in the cellar to store old furniture and what have you. 初看这个句子,让人有些摸不着头脑,换种说法是: There’s room in the cellar to store old furniture and so on.其实,what have you 就指诸如此类的东西。这句话的意思是说地下室有间屋子可以放些旧家具等一些东西。

定冠词加上形容词就可以代表一类人,比如说:the poor, 穷人;the rich, 富人。the haves and the have-nots 也分别指富人,穷人的意思。
