
  • 兴风作浪”,汉语成语,字面意思是raise winds and waves”,比喻煽动情绪,挑起事端,可以翻译为incite trouble and create confusion;stir up trouble [disorder]”。也可用英文俚语make ...

  • 历历在目


    中国人在回忆过往时,常说往事历历在目”。历历在目”,汉语成语,指远方的景物看得清清楚楚,或过去的事情清清楚楚地重现在眼前,可以翻译为remain clear and distinct in one's mind; leap up vividly before the ...

  • sharp tongue 毒舌


    毒舌”,网络流行语,字面意思是vicious tongue”,比喻说话刻薄、犀利,可以翻译为sharp tongue”,表示A tendency to speak in a malicious or highly critical manner”。例句...

  • 平易近人”,汉语成语,意思是对人和蔼可亲,使人容易接近。比喻态度温和,没有架子。可以翻译为easy to get along with,amiable,approachable”。have the common touch”也可以表示没有架子、平易近人&rdquo...

  • 反败为胜”,汉语成语,意思是扭转败局,变为胜利(snatch a victory out of defeat;turn defeat into victory)。与英文俗语turn the table”意思相同,表示to change from being in a weak...

  • 一落千丈(literally drop a thousand zhang in one fall)”,汉语成语,原形容琴声由高而低突然变化;现在表示下降得很厉害,用来形容声誉、地位或经济状况急剧下降。可以翻译为suffer a drastic decline”,也可以用nos...

  • 朝三暮四”,汉语成语,字面意思是three in the morning and four in the evening”,比喻常常变卦,反复无常(change one's mind frequently)。与英文习语chop and change”意思相...

  • 入木三分”,汉语成语,字面意思是enter three-tenths of an inch into the timber”,形容书法笔力刚劲有力(written in a forceful hand),也比喻对文章或事物见解深刻、透彻,可以用penetrating;prof...

  • 得心应手”,汉语成语,意思是心里怎样想,手里就能怎样做(what the heart wishes one's hands accomplish)。比喻技艺纯熟,心手相应,可以翻译为with facility,with high proficiency”。与英文俗语i...

  • 心服口服”,汉语成语,意为心里嘴上都信服,指真心信服,十分服气。可以翻译为be sincerely/utterly convinced,admire from the heart”。例句:他输得心服口服。He conceded defeat from the bottom o...