coming and going continuously 络绎不绝
2023-12-07络绎不绝”,汉语成语,形容行人、车、马、船等来来往往,接连不断。可以翻译为in an endless (a continuous) stream”或coming and going continuously”。例句:参观展览会的人络绎不绝。Visitors to ...
take on an entirely new look 焕然一新
2023-12-07焕然一新”,汉语成语,意思是改变陈旧的面貌,呈现出崭新的样子。通常形容出现了崭新的面貌。可以翻译为take on an entirely new look,acquire a completely new look”。例句:经过翻修,我们的教学楼面貌焕然一新。After re...
rank very high among 数一数二”
2023-12-07数一数二”,汉语成语,字面意思是"不算第一也算第二",形容突出、出类拔萃。可以翻译为rank very high among”,"count among the best"或count at the top”。例句:他被认为...
add fuel to the fire 火上浇油
2023-12-07火上浇油”,汉语成语,同火上加油。意思是往火上倒油(pour oil on the flames ),比喻使别人更加愤怒,使事态更加严重。可以翻译为add fuel to the fire;aggravate the situation,make the situation worse&...
come back with fruitful results 满载而归
2023-12-07满载而归”,汉语成语,原指装得满满地回来(return fully loaded),形容收获很大,取得丰硕成果。可以翻译为come back with fruitful results”。例句:人们到这家商店来总是满载而归。People would go into the s...
a snowball's chance in hell 机会渺茫
2023-12-07A snowball's chance in hell” 的意思是 某件事情发生的可能性很小,几乎不可能”。这是因为人们想象中的 hell(地狱)” 非常炎热,所以 snowball(雪球)” 在里面会融化,这个表达借此比喻 事情几乎或根本不可...
2023-12-07洁身自好的意思是保持自身的纯洁,不同流合污。也指怕招惹是非,只关心自己,不关心公众事情。可以翻译为keep oneself unspotted from the world或remain unspotted from the world.例句:她不太聪明,但是她洁身自好。She is not ver...
pull together in times of trouble 同舟共济
2023-12-07同舟共济”,汉语成语,本意是坐一条船,共同渡河(cross a river in the same boat)。比喻团结互助,同心协力,战胜困难。可以翻译为pull together in times of trouble”。例句:在这种情况下,我们只有同舟共济才能胜利。Un...
make full use of every minute 争分夺秒
2023-12-07争分夺秒”,字面意思是不放过一分一秒(seize every minute and second),形容对时间抓得很紧,充分利用时间。可以翻译为make full use of every minute; work against the clock。”例句:他们正在争分夺秒...
rain or shine 风雨无阻
2023-12-07风雨无阻”,汉语成语,字面意思是不受刮风下雨的阻碍(stopped by neither wind nor rain -- regardless of the weather)”,比喻无论遇到任何阻碍,都要继续下去。与英文俚语rain or shine”意思相同,...