
  • How often have you read a book from start to finish, only to discover that you haven't retained very much of the information it contained? This ca...

  • 老外教你靠视觉记忆法来背单词啦!走过路过,不要错过!(文本及中译如下,供参考)If you'd like to memorize ten times faster, this video will show how easily you can improve. You remember i...

  • 本该写作业却刷起了微博?明天就要考试了但是还想再看欧巴一眼?这些情况是不是都似曾相识呢?如果是,欢迎你加入拖延症患者大家族。其实每个人都或多或少有着拖延症,如何告别拖延症?让小编为你揭秘。1 Deal with Your Fear1 应对恐惧Fear is one of factor that co...

  • 你的大脑是你最宝贵的资产。你需要好好照顾它。下面列表中的10件事,你可以每天练习来锻炼你的大脑:1. Take a nap.1.小睡一会Refreshing your body can also help you improve brain function, increase memory, an...

  • “Be sure to study hard for that test!”一定要为了考试而刻苦学习啊!How many times have you heard that? But what does it even mean to study hard? Do you have to study...

  • We've all been there - tapping our pencil, bouncing our knees, wiggling our feet- filled with test anxiety right before the big test. When you'...

  • Students can settle in to a false sense of security if they take the time to study but don’t retain much of the information.  This happens because the...

  • Sometimes we can get so caught up in the stress and worry of our personal lives that our minds become too jumbled to operate effectively. This is espe...

  • 不管你是不是第一次学习一门新的外语,拥有多种外语学习方式都很重要。下面是五种你可以马上着手的方法。1.Online网络The Internet is fast becoming your best place for language learning. Any language can be le...

  • With college admission becoming increasingly competitive, you are probably trying to think of ways to look better in person and on paper. If you reall...

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