Sometimes we can get so caught up in the stress and worry of our personal lives that our minds become too jumbled to operate effectively. This is especially dangerous in a test taking situation. After hours of reading and studying, our brains can lock up in a state of overload. 有时我们会沉浸在个人生活的压力和担忧中,思维变得过于混乱无法有效运作。在考试的情况下是尤其危险的。在经过几个小时的阅读和学习之后,我们的大脑可能会长期处于超负荷状态。 In a stressful situation it’s often necessary to clear your mind completely to allow your brain to refresh itself and recalibrate all of its functions. But when you’re tense, clearing your mind isn’t so easy! Try this relaxation technique if you think your brain has seized up from information overload. 处于压力环境下的时候,彻底清理你的思绪,让大脑回归到正常的状态是非常必要的。但实际情况是当你紧张的时候,清理你的思绪并不是很容易的事。因此,当你的大脑被一些信息超负荷捆绑时,可以试试这些放松的小技巧。 1. Set aside at least five minutes for quiet “clearing” time. If you're at school, see if you can put your head down somewhere or find an empty room or quiet space. If necessary, set a watch (or phone) alarm or ask a friend to tap you on the shoulder at a designated time. 1.留出至少五分钟安静的“放空”时间。如果你在学校,看看你能不能低头休息或找到一个空房间或安静的地方。如果有必要,设置一个闹钟(或手机定时)或请求一个朋友在指定时间拍拍你的肩膀把你叫醒。 2. Think of a time or place that puts you into a complete state of peace. This place will be different for different people.Have you ever sat on the beach watching the waves come in and realized you’ve “zoned out” for awhile? This is the sort of experience you’re looking for. Other experiences that make us zone out could be: 2.想到一个能让你处在完全平和状态的时间和地点。这个地方对每个人来说都是不一样的。你是否曾经坐在海边看海浪拍过来,意识到你已经“出神”一段时间吗?类似的经历就是你要不断寻找的。其他能让我们感到放松的经历可能是: Sitting in the dark and staring at Christmas tree lights--remember how quiet and peaceful that feels? 坐在黑暗中看着圣诞树的灯光,你还记得那种安静平和的感受么? Lying in bed late at night listening to good music. 深夜躺在床上听好听的音乐。 Lying on your back on a cool day watching clouds roll by. 在凉爽的天气中,平躺着看云的翻滚流动。 3. Cover your eyes and go to your “place.” If you are at school preparing for a test before class, you may simply rest your elbows on the desk and put your hands over your eyes. For some people, it may not be a good idea to put your head down. (You might fall asleep!) 3.遮住你的眼睛想象让你放松的场景。如果你在学校准备一个课堂测试之前,你可能仅仅放松两肘支在桌子上,用你的手蒙住眼睛。对一些人来说,低头放松可能不是一个好主意。(你可能会睡着!) Use all your senses to make your experience as real as possible. If you are thinking of a Christmas tree, imagine the smell of the tree and the look of the layered shadows on the walls. 运用一切感官,让你的体验尽可能的真实。如果你想象一棵圣诞树,同时想象树的气味和落在墙上的错落有致的树影。 Don’t let any thoughts creep into your head. As soon as you start to think about a test problem, clear away the thought and concentrate on your peaceful place. 不要让任何其他想法进入你的大脑。一旦你开始考虑考试有关的问题,清除你的思想,专注在让你放松的场景中。 4. Snap out of it! Remember, this is not nap time. The point here is to rejuvenate your brain. After five or ten minutes of clearing time, take a brisk walk or take a drink of water to re-energize your mind and body. Stay relaxed and resist the urge to think about the things that are stressing you out or clogging your brain. Don’t let your brain go back to freeze-out. 4.重新振作起来!需要记住的是,这不是午睡时间。这里的关键是重新激活你的大脑。五到十分钟的清理时间后,通过快步走或喝水来重振你的头脑和身体。保持放松,克制不去想那些让你感到压力的事或堵塞你的大脑的事情。不要让你的大脑回到压力的状态。 Now go forward with your test or study session refreshed and ready! 现在可以以一种放松的状态进入考试或学习环节了! 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |