不管你是不是第一次学习一门新的外语,拥有多种外语学习方式都很重要。下面是五种你可以马上着手的方法。 1.Online 网络 The Internet is fast becoming your best place for language learning. Any language can be learned on the Internet, including the whistled language of Silbo Gomero. 网络正迅速成为你学习外语的最佳场所。你可以在网络上学习任何一种语言,包括戈梅拉哨语。 2.Television 电视 Language learning is likely at its most relaxed on your own TV. Whether you're learning a new language from a cartoon or a DVD, it's nice to be able to do it curled up on the sofa in your jammies. You can brush your teeth later. 在自己的电视上学习一门语言也许是最让人放松的方式了。不管你是通过动画片或DVD来学习一门新的语言,穿着睡衣蜷缩在沙发里都是很棒的一种体验。你还可以在晚些时候去刷个牙。 Go to your TV's menu and turn on subtitles. It's a great way to see the printed word while you're listening to dialogue. 打开电视的菜单,点开标题。一边听对话一边看着书面语是一种不错的方式。 3.CDs and Podcasts CD和广播 If you spend a lot of time in your car, language learning podcastor CD might be just the ticket. There are all kinds of audio programs out there to help you learn. 如果你有大把的时间是在车上度过,那么通过广播或CD来学习语言也许是一种好的选择。你可以借助许多种类的音频节目来帮助自己学习。 4.Books 书籍 Language learning books abound. Some are better than others. The most important thing about learning anything from a book is finding the book that speaks to you. Some books are easier to learn from than others, depending on how you like to learn. Visiting a bookstore or library makes this process easier. Pick up each book possibility and flip through it. You'll know at a glance when you find the right book for you. 关于语言学习的书籍比比皆是。其中不乏上佳之作。通过书籍来学习语言最重要的是选择适合你的书。一些书籍的难度较低,这取决于你学习的方式。去书店或图书馆可以使得这个过程更加简单。拿起每本书翻阅一下,哪本适合你就一目了然。 5.Blogs, Lyrics, and More 博客、歌词等等 Language learning can happen in the most unexpected places. When you're open to learning, you pay more attention to everything around you. That's when you find new words in the least-expected places, sometimes in your own language! Read blogs, memorize song lyrics, find a new friend who speaks another language and learn from each other. 语言的学习可以放生在最不经意的地方。当你开始学习时,你会对周围的事物更加留意。这就是你在最意想不到的地方发现新词,有时则是母语的时候!阅读一些博客,记一记歌词或者找一个说外语的朋友互相学习。 |