2023-11-24这家来自埃塞俄比亚的家庭种植咖啡品牌要在中国开100家店Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu has a dream: that everyone should one day taste hand-roasted Ethiopian coffee.贝丝丽罕·提拉轰·阿勒木有个梦想:让每个...
2023-11-24你都怎么和朋友用英语打招呼?“My friend, how are you?”英语君已经隔着屏幕闻到了一股咖喱味了。只有在印度才比较流行用My friend的说法来称呼自己的朋友。来学习一下在欧美大家都怎么称兄道弟的吧。Mate哥们儿这个说法在英国,澳大利亚,新西兰比较常用。通常用于非正式的场合。I...
2023-11-24前段时间,微博有这么一个段子——买最贵的化妆品,熬最晚的夜。网友还根据了不同的睡觉时间点,整理了一份化妆品推荐指南。其实,皮肤的状态不仅和生活习惯息息相关,每天的饮食也至关重要。据说,大S为了美白从来都不沾酱油...最近,营养学家金·皮尔森表示——Nutritionist Kim Pearson s...
2023-11-24David and Victoria Beckham toasted a bumper payday last year, after banking millions in dividends from their business empire.大卫·贝克汉姆和维多利亚·贝克汉姆从其商业帝国中获...
2023-11-24A happy and healthy Selena Gomez is throwing herself back into normal life since leaving the treatment facility she entered two months ago.两个月前还在精神疾病中...
2023-11-24Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have sparked speculation they've secretly tied the knot, after footage emerged of the couple celebrating with their...
2023-11-24They played love interest Monica and Richard on Friends.莫妮卡和理查德在《老友记》中曾是一对恋人。And Courteney Cox and Tom Selleck had a reunion as they bumped into each ...
2023-11-24无印良品现在设计出了一种看着很酷的自动驾驶小巴士,可以全天候运行,预计2020年就可以在芬兰投放了。Now, Muji is venturing into the autonomous vehicle industry with what is known as the Gacha Shuttle ...
2023-11-24What is the most ridiculous thing someone has ever tried to convince you to believe?别人试图让你相信的最荒谬的事情是什么? 获得9.7k好评的答案@Alok MogheI had renewed my interne...
2023-11-24The following idioms and expressions use the verb 'come'. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help understa...