2023-11-24With their slim figures and flawless complexions, models are hardly representative of the average woman.模特身材纤细、面容无瑕,很难作为普通女性的代表。But even their photogr...
2023-11-24The final season of Game Of Thrones' is set to debut in the 'first half' of next year, according to Casey Bloys, HBO's programming pre...
2023-11-24这是个礼拜天,似乎与以往的礼拜天没什么不同,如果没有那个几秒钟的地震的话。跟着英语君来看《摩登家庭》第二季第三集。1. tattletaletattle是动词,意思是“闲谈,聊天;饶舌”,tale可以表示坏话;流言蜚语。tattletale的意思是告密者;搬弄是非的人,尤指儿童间泄露秘密的人。也可以...
2023-11-24While the Duchess of Cornwall was drinking tea with Dame Judi Dench on the Isle of Wight, Prince Charles decamped to the West Midlands today, to visit...
2023-11-24今天的英语分享,是与in这个介词有关,英文里动词和介词的关系其实是非常博大精深的,有一些非常简单的动词,加了in后意思也大为不同。那么可以跟着英语君来看看加了in这个介词后,动词们会变成什么意思?1.Chip in 分摊费用Chin给人的感觉就是小块的东西,例如晶片之类的东西,那加上in之后就有分摊...
2023-11-24There's a saying that goes “honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach”- those adorable furballs might purr and beg for a scratch behind the...
2023-11-24开年第一发糖韩剧来了——《经常请吃饭的漂亮姐姐》,播出四集就拿到了8.9的高分。这部剧没有道理不火嘛:一、时下最流行的年下套路的戏码;二、颜值满分甜度满分,美好的春天到了,当然得看一些甜甜的恋爱故事咯。今天就来看看,“姐弟恋”用英语怎么说?按照字面意思,应该说成“sister-younger bro...
2023-11-241.bring up【原句】Hopefully a tight ten and then he'll bring up the headliner.(S04E12)【翻译】希望扯个10分钟后,他能扯到主题吧。【场景】之前抄袭T恤的店主女高中生给Max和Caroline她们发了终止售卖T恤的信...
2023-11-24Starbucks has announced that it's going to be opening its very first “Signing Store” in the US for customers that are deaf or have hearing impairm...
2023-11-24The amazing observation comes from Twitter user @SamuraiKnitter, who suspects that the Queen may have actually trolled Trump on not one, but three occ...