2023-11-24What is the point of living if you're very fat?如果你很胖的话,你活着的意义是啥? 来自Quora的网友总结:1. Why wouldn't the usual reasons for living apply?为什么就不能因为很平常的原...
2023-11-240新的一周,新的特价英语秒杀课程。为大家良心送上 9.1-9.7的秒杀攻略,以供参考。 9.1王牌秒杀课【Uni智能】初中水平进阶雅思6.5分剑桥全能【现金奖励班】 特价好课秒杀,低至8.6折1. 巩固英语基础,扎实英语语法体系;2. 将词汇量提升至6000以上;3. 熟悉雅思IELTS考试特点,掌...
2023-11-24Q: What is the highest form of intelligence?提问:智慧的最高形式是什么? 获得9.7k好评的答案@Vivek NagarajanThe ability to transfer it to someone who lacks it.把智慧传递给那些缺乏它的人...
2023-11-24He was accused of putting a dampener on Donald Trump's visit to London last month by allowing a giant balloon of him dressed in a nappy to fly ove...
2023-11-24There are some people in the world that are just plain annoying. From the guy that parks in your spot all the way up to the boss that does everything ...
2023-11-24Theresa May today laughed off mockery over her awkward 'Maybot' dancing with schoolchildren during a visit to South Africa.梅姨在出访非洲期间同南非一所学校的孩子...
2023-11-24Unless you've been living under a rock, it's hard to ignore the family drama Meghan Markle has been dealing with relating to the nasty public ...
2023-11-241.pull off【原句】Hell no, I can't pull that off.(S04E16)【翻译】当然不会,我哪演得出来。【场景】Han这帮小伙伴去了餐厅来支持Max和Caroline的新兼职,顺道来尝尝甜品,不过Caroline并不愿意他们来,怕可能会搞糟纽约时报的采访。【...
2023-11-24Women routinely outlive men for a variety of reasons, biological, social and lifestyle factors included. There may be one much more obvious factor how...
2023-11-241.be a riot【原句】You two are a riot together.(S04E13)【翻译】你们俩在一起可真够闹腾。【场景】Caroline担心她的常客没来餐厅怕出事,为见真相专门给她的住处送去外卖。进屋后,两人看着摄影交谈着,这让她的这位常客很怀念她的搭档。【讲解】riot n....