
  • It means infant.Although the word “babe“ for baby has been used since the 1300s, this phrase describing a child too young to walk (and hence having to...

  • Shell out 付款


    It means to pay money for, fork over How much did you shell out for that calculator? Thirty dollars? Note:Shell out的意思为付款。例:你花多少钱买了这个计算器?三十块么?...

  • Downtime 停工期


    Time needed to repair a machine When you own a computer, you have to expect some downtime. Note:Downtime的意思是因维修、保养等造成的停工期例:有时候电脑需要停工维修,你必须做好心理准备。...

  • On the throne 上厕所On the throne means to sit on the toilet or in the john.Archie's on the throne. He'll be down in a few minutes. Note:On the t...

  • A hidden advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed. The term comes from stud poker, where each player is dealt one card face down--the so-cal...

  • So trustworthy as never to be suspected of wrongdoing, as in "The wife of Caesar must be above suspicion" (Charles Merivale, A History of th...

  • Keep it down Keep it down means to be quiet, do not be noisy, pipe down Dad called to us, “Keep it down, eh. We're trying to go to sleep.“ Note:Ke...

  • Absent without leave means to be away without permission or explanation. The term and its acronym, AWOL, originated in the American military during Wo...

  • A while back means some time in the past.Also, a while ago. This term uses a while in the sense of “a short or moderate time,“ a usage dating from abo...

  • 汉语中,化干戈为玉帛”语出《淮南子·原道训》,常用以比喻争战者能舍弃纷争、追求和平。英语中,俗语beat your swords into plowshares”可表达相同的意思。 由字面意把刀剑打磨成犁头”,我们可看出俗语中的sword&rdquo...