2023-11-24养家的英文:bring home the bacon参考例句:He was only twenty two, and to be burdened with a family!他还只有二十二岁,竟要担负起养家的重担!There is an intermediate type of ryegrass ...
2023-11-24养老的英文:provide for the elderly参考例句:Annuity for the aged养老年金The house-for-pension scheme is like a reverse mortgage loan.“以房养老”也称“倒按揭”。The basic old-age...
big cheese可不是大奶酪,用错了很尴尬的
2023-11-24To be a big deal成为大人物To be an important / famous person, especially in a specific location / area of work.成为重要人物/名人,尤指在特定的位置/工作领域。I hear she’s a big d...
2023-11-24程序号的英文:n. program numberprogram是什么意思:n. 计划;方案;程序;节目单;节目,表演,演出;课程;纲领v. 为...制订计划;为(电脑)设计程序synergy program协同作用程序 Compiler is a program that translate a s...
2023-11-24程序库的英文:librarylibrary是什么意思:n. 图书馆(室),资料室,个人收藏,文库The library identifier does not represent a valid library.库标识符没有表示一个有效的库。Visual Materials Library视觉资料室...
2023-11-24程序漏洞的英文:bug with workaroundbug是什么意思:n. 虫子;故障,瑕疵,缺陷;细菌,病菌;窃听器v. 装窃听器;烦扰,打扰The room has been bugged.这房间装有窃听器。The bird caught a bug on the fly.那鸟在飞行中捉住了一...
2023-11-24程序设备的英文:soft ware参考例句:Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system, program, or device.一种硬件、软件或两...
2023-11-24程序设计的英文:programmedprogrammingsoftware参考例句:Elegant programming优良的程序设计The computer programmer morphed the image.计算机程序设计器使图像变形了。What's the going rate...
2023-11-24惩办的英文:punish参考例句:How would you chastise somebody for stealing?你们如何惩办偷窃者?Even if you punish the murderer, that can't give me back my dead son即使你惩办凶...
2023-11-24惩处的英文:penalize; punish参考例句:a penitentiary offense.受感化教养惩处的犯罪Of or for the purpose of penance;penitential.惩处的或用于惩处的;用作忏悔的She was punished for giving fa...