
  • 微薪养蠢材


    中国有句古话:人往高处走,水往低处流。人才是外流还是回流,很大程度上取决于客观条件,比如,薪水”就是考虑去留的一大因素。如若老板舍不得掏腰包,那就不好意思了,人才肯定外流。于是,留守公司的即使不是蠢材”恐怕也得用庸才”来形容。警告吝啬的老板一句话:If you p...

  • It means that when someone does something bad to another person, then eventually that same bad thing will happen to him. A lot of people will say it w...

  • 子曰:非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。意思说,不符合礼教的话不能说,不符合礼教的东西不能看,不符合礼教的事不能做。英语中,其相应的英文表达为:See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil (do no evil)。这段英译据说源于佛教训诫。在日本一座幕府时...

  • Axe 裁员


    It means to eliminate someone from their job; to terminate employment.eg: My old company axed me after they found out I had been sleeping on the job.N...

  • It means to phone me, call me, ring me eg:Give me a ring when you get home from work.Note:Give me a ring的意思是给我打个电话,并非求婚的意思。例:下班到家给我打个电话...

  • 嗨,先猜个歇后语来解解烦!蜜蜂的屁股--?” 哦 有点不雅噢!蜜蜂的屁股--刺儿头!” 英语中,刺儿头”可表达为nit-picker”。当然,若用fault-finder”来形容喜欢鸡蛋里挑骨头的刺儿头”也不为过,不过,前者更常...

  • It means to begin a friendship, or a conversation. This phrasal verb can't be separated. eg:We struck up a friendship on the first day we met. Whi...

  • 生活中,那些假正经、背后说人坏话的伪善家真令人恶心!教你一招,这种人在英语里叫做goody two-shoes”。 Goody two-shoes”最早出现于一本名叫The history of little goody two-shoes”的童话书,书中,goo...

  • Also, save one's neck or skin. Rescue one from a difficult situation or harm. The allusion in the first term is no longer clear. It may simply be ...

  • 有一首大家非常熟悉的歌——爱是love,爱是amour,爱是rak,爱是爱心,爱是。不用多做解释,您也知道,这是正大综艺”主题曲《爱的奉献》,由日籍华人翁倩玉演唱。有个疑问——rak是什么意思?Rak源于泰语——爱&...