刑法总论 刑法学 criminal law; penal law 犯罪学 criminology 犯罪心理学 criminal psychology 劳动改造法学 reform-through-labor 中国刑法史 history of Chinese criminal law 比较刑法学 comparative criminal law 刑事侦查 criminal detection 司法精神病学 forensic psychiatry 罪刑法定原则 principal of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime 罪刑相适应原则 principal of suiting punishment to crime 罪责自负原则 principal of bearing responsibility solely for one’s own crime 惩罚与教育相结合原则 principal of combining punishment with education 从旧原则 the doctrine of observing old laws 从新原则 the doctrine of observing new laws 从旧兼从轻原则 the doctrine of observing old laws and new ones when with lighter punishment 从新兼从轻原则 the doctrine of observing new laws and old ones when with lighter punishment 追诉时效 limitation of prosecution 刑事责任 criminal liability/responsibility 刑事责任年龄 age for criminal responsibility 刑事责任能力 criminal responsibility; capacity for criminal responsibility 犯罪 crime; commit a crime 故意犯罪 intentional crime; willful crime 过失犯罪 negligent crime 犯罪构成 constitution of a crime 犯罪主体 subject of a crime 犯罪客体 object of a crime 犯罪的主观方面 subjective elements of a crime 犯罪的客观方面 objective elements of a crime 犯罪对象 target of a crime 犯罪故意 criminal intent; mens rea 直接故意 actual intent; direct intent 间接故意 indirect intent 犯罪过失 criminal negligence 疏忽大意的过失 careless negligence 过于自信的过失 negligence with undue assumption 不能预见 unforeseeable; unpredictable 不能避免 unavoidable 犯罪动机 criminal motive 犯罪目的 criminal intent; criminal purpose 防卫过当 unjustifiable self-defense 紧急避险 act of rescue; necessity 犯罪既遂 completion of a crime 犯罪未遂 attempted crime 犯罪形态 criminal pattern 犯罪预备 a crime in preparation; preparation for a crime 犯意表示 expression for a crime 犯罪中止 abandonment/discontinuance of a crime 犯罪中断 suspension of a crime 行为犯 behavioral offence 危险犯 potential damage offence 结果犯 consequential offence 结果加重犯 aggregated consequential offence 类推 analogy 定罪 conviction; crimination 定罪情节 circumstances for adjudgment 定罪量刑 punishment fits the crime 量刑情节 principle of discretionary action of sentencing; principal of sentencing 危害行为 dangerous act 因果关系 causative relation 共同犯罪 complicity; joint offence 教唆犯 abettor 主犯 principal 从犯 accessory 胁从犯 accomplice under duress; unwilling follower 帮助犯 aider; accessory 累犯 recidivist; repeat offence 一般累犯 common recidivist 反革命累犯 counter-revolutionary recidivist 法人犯罪 corporate crime 结伙犯罪 gang crime 流氓集团 gang of hoodlums 流氓罪 crime of indecent assault 集团犯罪 organized crime 经济犯罪 economic crime 职务犯罪 duty crime; crime by taking advantage of duty 聚众犯罪 assembled a crowd to commit a crime 一罪 one crime 一罪不二罚 nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto; no one is punished twice for the same crime 继续犯 continuous crime 持续犯 continuous crime 想象竟合犯 imaginative joinder of offences 惯犯 habitual offence 结合犯 combinative crime; integrated offence 连续犯 continuing offence 牵连犯 implicated offence 吸收犯 Inclusive offence; absorbable offence 数罪 plural crimes 数罪并罚 joinder of punishment for plural crimes 法定最高刑 maximum statutory penalty 法定最低刑 minimum statutory penalty 总和刑期 total term of sentences 并科原则 doctrine of cumulation of punishments 相加原则 doctrine of accumulation 合并原则 doctrine of joinder 累加原则 cumulative principle 吸收原则 absorption principle 限制加重原则 principle of limitative aggravation 折衷原则 doctrine of compromise 两罚制 dual/double punishment 单罚制 single punishment 漏罪 omitted crime 先并后减 reduction after combined sentence 新罪 newly committed crime 先减后并 combination of sentence after reduction 刑罚个别化原则 principle of individualization of punishment 刑罚经济原则 principle of economization of punishment 刑罚人道主义原则 principle of humanitarianism of punishment 刑罚效益原则 principle of utility of punishment 刑罚的种类 classification of criminal pennalties 生命刑 punishment depriving life 财产刑 punishment against property 权利刑 punishment of depriving rights 主刑 principal penalties 管制 public surveillance 拘役 penal servitude 有期徒刑 fixed-term imprisonment 无期徒刑 life imprisonment 死刑 death penalty 死缓 death sentence with a two-year reprieve 附加刑 accessory penalties 剥夺政治权利 deprivation of political right 没收财产 forfeiture of property 罚金 criminal fine 剥夺勋章、奖章和荣誉称号 stripping of medals, decoration or honorary titles 驱逐出境 renvoi 量刑 sentencing 犯罪事实 criminal fact 犯罪性质 criminal character 犯罪情节 criminal circumstances of crime 情节严重 grave/serious circumstances 情节特别严重 circumstances are particularly serious 情节恶劣 circumstances are wicked 后果特别严重 with particularly serious consequence 量刑情节 circumstance for sentencing 法定情节 statutory circumstances 从轻处罚 lighter punishment 减轻处罚 mitigation of penalty below minimum statutory prescript 从重处罚 heavier punishment 加重处罚 aggravation of penalty below minimum statutory prescript 免予处罚 exemption from punishment 酌定情节 discretionary circumstances 自首 surrender oneself to justice 坦白 confession of one’s offence 自动投案 voluntary surrender to justice 立功 metitorious serviceoffset立功赎罪 假释 one’s guilt by merit 假释考验期 probation period for parole 减刑 commutation; mitigation of punishment 减刑建议书 advisory letter of commutation 赦免 pardon 大赦 amnesty; general pardon 特赦 special pardon 追诉时效 limitation of prosecution 追诉期限 deadline of prosecution 预防犯罪 prevention of crime 缓刑 probation; reprieve 缓刑宣告制 system of suspended pronouncement of sentence 缓刑起诉制 system of suspended prosecution 缓刑考验期 probation period 行刑 execution; executing punishment 监外执行 execution of sentence outside prison yet under surveillance |