爱思英语编者按:有很多研究都显示,女同胞们每天早上打开衣橱,平均要花十几分钟来决定到底要穿什么出门。影视剧里也经常有这样的场景,女主要出去约会,于是她就一件一件从衣橱里拿衣服出来试穿、照镜子,旁边的床上已经堆满了衣服。 其实,选择穿什么出门真的是个挺让人头疼的问题。有时候盯着衣橱看了半天,也找不出一件想穿的衣服,心里有怒气也是难免的吧。 'Wardrobe rage'describes the irrational tantrums people feel when they are staring at the wardrobe but don't know what to wear or cannot find anything they want to wear. Cluttered wardrobes and anxiety about wearing the right outfit means the average woman spends almost 17 minutes a day rifling through their wardrobes. This amounts to more than four days a year or almost six months between the ages of 18 and 60. And while men might not be as bad, they aren't immune - spending 13 minutes a day or the equivalent of three days a year deciding what to wear. One in five men even own up to throwing clothes around the room as they struggle to pick an outfit, while more than a third have succumbed to a bout of 'wardrobe rage' at least once in the past. 这个表达来源于大家都熟悉的road rage(路怒),后来衍生的相关表达还有web rage(网怒),desk rage(桌怒)以及air rage(空怒)等。 下面这些在衣橱前面不知所措的场景,你经历过吗? 不知道穿啥 这两个,穿哪个呢? 这些全都不想穿。。。 |