Seeing someone 在恋爱
Larry和李华在公园里散步,Larry告诉李华他的朋友Rick最近交了一个女朋友。 LL: Hey, Li Hua, have you heard the news? Rick is seeing someone. LH: Rick is seeing someone? Rick在看人。这有什么奇怪的,我也在看一个人呀。I am seeing someone, too。 LL: Really? You are seeing someone, Li Hua? Who is it? LH: 就是你呀。 Larry. 我不是在看着你吗? LL: (Laughs) That's pretty funny, Li Hua. But, by "seeing someone" I don't mean Rick is looking at someone with his eyes. LH: 你不是说"Rick is seeing someone"吗? 他不是在看人, 那是什么意思呀? LL: When I said Rick is "seeing someone," I meant he was dating a girl. LH: OH! 你是在说Rick有了一个女朋友。Although I'm seeing you,但是我们不是男女朋友的关系。 LL: Right, we are just friends, Li Hua. We go out and do thingstogether, but we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. We aren't seeing eachother. LH: 事实上, 我现在根本就没有男朋友,I am not seeing anyone. LL: It's OK, Li Hua. I'm not seeing anyone either. But Rick is pretty serious about the girl he is seeing.更多信息请访问: LH: Rick已经换了好几个女朋友了,你说他这次真的会很认真吗?那女孩是谁呀? LL: Her name is Jennifer. Rick has been seeing her for about a month or so. LH: 嗯,Jennifer。交往了才一个月,你怎么知道Rick对这个女孩很认真呀! LL: You're right, Li Hua. It hasn't been very long - but ever sincethey started to see each other, they've been doing everything together- going out to eat, seeing movies, and taking walks in the park. LH: 热恋的时候当然是形影不离了;一起吃饭, 看电影,一起去公园散步,多浪漫。Larry, 那边走的不是Rick吗?跟他牵着手的女孩子就是Jennifer吧? LL: That is Rick across the park. But that is not the girl he has been seeing. LH: 那个女孩子不是Jennifer? 难道Rick另有所爱了? LL: I don't know. I'll ask him.