Factory Tour 工业旅游
dialogue 1
M: We still have one more day to go before we return home. What will we see tomorrow? 还有一天才会去,明天去哪玩呢?
J: no idea. We've enjoyed both the natural scenery and the city sights. What else is there to see? 不知道,我们既欣赏了自然风光,有领略了城市特色,还有什么可看的呢?
M: what about a factory tour? 要不来个“工业旅游”吧?
J: you mean visit a factory? 你是说参观工厂?
M: yes. I heard there's a lager motor company nearby whick open to the public every weekend. We can go to see how a car is manufactured and learn more about the automobile industry. 是啊,听说这附近有个大的汽车公司,每周末会对外开放。我们可以去参观,看看汽车是怎么生产的,顺便了解一下汽车工业。
J: good idea! I've always been interested in that. How much is the entrance fee? 好主意,我一直挺赶兴趣的。入场券多少钱啊?
M: I'm not sure, but as far as I know, most factory tours are free. They are sponsored by the company providing the tour. 不清楚,但是大多数这种参观都是免费的,我接待我们的公司安排。
J: really? What do the companies do that for? 真的吗?公司为什么这么大方?
M: I believe most of them think of it as good public relations. They can promote their product and make their company better-known. 我想他们把这个当成一种公共关系策略吧,借此推销产品,提高企业知名度。
J: oh, isee. So factory tours are good for companies as well as visitors. 哦,我明白了。所以“工业旅游”既对企业有好处,又对游客有好处。
M: exactly. 正是这样。
J: do we need an appointment beforehand? 那我们要提前预约吗?
M: I'll call the tourist information centre to check. 我打电话给旅游咨询中心问问。
dialogue 2
J: Hcy, Madison! 你好!麦迪森
M: What'sup? 怎么了? J: How far is it from the hotel to the factory? 从酒店到工厂有多远?
M: Not far. Tomorrow wc can cVen slccp in, but we should leave around noon aftcr lunch 不太远.我们明天可以睡个懒觉,然后吃个午饭再出发.
J: Whcn doesthe tourb begin? 参观几点开始?
M: At l:30 in the aflernoon. 下午一点半。
J: But the factoty closes at 5 0r 6 0'clock, then wc only have half a day of visiting. Will that be enough? 但工厂五六点钟下班,戎们就只能参观半天,时间够吗?
M: First we'II see the productionIinc then afterwards we can go to the visitor'centre. 我们会先去参观生产线,然后去游客中心.
J: The visitor'centre? 游客中心?
M: Yes. lt's almost like a muscum.Thcy have displays of model cars and there arc also presentations about the dvelopment of the company, tbc history of automobilcs, and such. 嗯,类似于博物馆,有汽车模型展览,还有关于工厂历史、汽车发展史等等的介绍.
J: Soundsinteresting! 听上去挺有意思的!
M: Thcrc is cvcn a small cincma ncxt to the visitor's centre. The pamphlet says a movie called The Art of Manufacturing is showing. 游客中心旁边还有个小影院,介绍册子上说,现在在放一部叫做‘制造的艺术’的电影.
J: Oh, I've heard that at the end of tours, companies often give away samples of thcir products. Do you think wc can gct a free car? 听说参观快结束时,公司都会笈放一些样品,难道要给我们发免费汽车?
M: Maybe just a model car. . .' 恐怕是汽车模型吧。 |