"Be a chicken"是什么意思?
动物是人类的朋友。在英文中,有很多关于“动物”的习语,他们充分利用到了动物的特性,有趣生动地体现在习语中。 剧透一下,标题的"be a chicken",真的不是你想的那个意思。 1 a little bird told me 天机不可泄露 "How did you know the news?" "Oh, a little bird told me." 你怎么知道这件事的? 天机不可泄露! 2 as gentle as a lamb 天真无邪的;温文尔雅的 She is as gentle as a lamb. That's why everybody likes her. 她天真无邪,所以很多人都喜欢她。 3 be a chicken 做一个懦夫 Don't be a chicken. Talk to her about your love for her. 不要做懦夫,告诉她你有多爱她。 4 be a cold fish 冷血动物 He rarely talks to his colleagues. He's a cold fish. 他很少和他的同事说话。他很冷血。 5 be like a fish out of water 在一个环境中感到不舒服 After her divorce, she was like a fish out of water. 她离婚之后,过得很不自在。 6 chicken out 因为害怕拒绝做某事 He chickened out just at the time they were taking him to operating theatre. 当他们带他去手术室时,他因为害怕拒绝了。 |