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1. "At least I can protect her, " Perhaps this is to let go I insist that it is a driving force. “最起码我可以保护她”,这句话也许就是让我坚持下去的唯一动力吧。

2. I insist she go there with her mother. 我坚持要她同她母亲到那儿去。

3. My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight. 家里人坚持认为我不应让步,而应该留下来继续抗争。

4. He insisted that she came. 他坚持要她来。


I insisted that she had read this book. 我坚持说她看过这本书。(陈述)
I insisted that she should read this book. 我坚持要她看这本书。(虚拟)


1. My mother ordered that I should go to school. 妈妈命令我去上学。

2. He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land. 他下令修建连接各地城堡的道路。

3. He commanded that work should cease. 他命令停止工作。


1. I suggested that you should pay him a visit. 我建议你去看他一下。

2. I suggested to Mike that we go out for a meal with his colleagues. 我向迈克提议,我们和他的同事们一起出去吃饭。

3. Doctors advised that he should be transferred to a private room. 医生们建议将他转到单人病房。


She suggested that we could stay for lunch. 她建议我们留下吃午餐。(虚拟)
What he said suggested that he was a cheat. 他说的话表明他是个骗子。(陈述)


1. I move that the case be dismissed. 我提议对该案不予受理。

2. I vote that we all go to Holland immediately. 我建议我们全都立刻前往荷兰。

3. I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us. 我提议由你来选我们该走哪条小路。


1. It was arranged that the party would gather for lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel. 已经和这一行人说好将在皇家花园宾馆吃午餐。

2. I've arranged that you should leave tonight. 我已经安排好你今晚离开了。

